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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

The analytic properties of L-functions associated to automorphic forms

My primary interests centre around characterising L-functions by means of their analytic properties and in establishing the desired analytic properties for L-functions associated to automorphic forms. Recent work has involved the exterior square L-functions associated to GLn (over local and global fields) and primitivity results for the L-functions of cusp forms associated to GL3 in the extended Selberg class.

Blow-up algebras, Hilbert functions and local cohomology

My current research focuses on Hilbert functions of admissible filtrations of ideals in Cohen-Macaulay rings. These rings are central objects of study in commutative algebra. Through the knowledge of their Hilbert polynomials we can obtain information about various blow-up algebras such as Rees algebras, associated graded rings and the ring itself. Information about these algebras is often useful in resolution of singularities as demonstrated in the works of Abhyankar, Hironaka, Sally, Zariski and others.

Dilation of pair of commuting contractions

My current research area of interest is operator theory. To be more precise, my most recent works are based on dilation of operators. Dilation is a mathematical tool which largely used in different branches of Mathematics to understand the underlying object better. With no exception, dilation of operators is used to understand operators which are not normal. A brief summary of my recent works in this area are given below.

Invariants for liftings of operator tuples and its applications

Based on a careful analysis of functional models for contractive multi-analytic operators we have established a one-to-one correspondence between unitary equivalence classes of minimal contractive liftings of a row contraction and injective symbols of contractive multi-analytic operators. This allows an effective construction and classification of all such liftings with given defects. G. Popescu’s theory of characteristic functions of completely non-coisometric row contractions is obtained as a special case satisfying a Szeg ̈o condition.

CPD-kernels, k-families and Bures distance

We introduced, for any set S, the concept of K-family between two Hilbert C∗-modules over two C∗-algebras, for a given completely positive definite (CPD-) kernel K over S between those C∗-algebras and obtained a factorization theorem for such K-families. If K is a CPD-kernel and E is a full Hilbert C∗-module, then any K-family which is covariant with respect to a dynamical system (G, η, E) on E, extends to a K ̃-family on the crossed product E×ηG, where K ̃ is a CPD-kernel.

Approximate solutions of integral equations and of associated Eigen value problems

The theory and application of integral equations is an important subject within applied mathematics. Integral equations are used as mathematical models for many physical situations. I am interested in a numerical solution of the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. The integral operator T is either a linear integral operator or a nonlinear Urysohn integral operator. The eigenvalue problem associated with a linear integral operator T is of equal interest.

Analysis of the Wu metric on Thullen domains in Cn

H. Wu constructed a new Hermitian metric that provides an interesting interpolant between the Finsler (like the Carath ́eodory and Kobayashi metrics) and the K ̈ahler invariant metrics. The Wu metric raises several intriguing questions some of which I investigated. One of them is closely related to a problem posed by Kobayashi in 1970: It is well known that if M is a Hermitian manifold with negative holomorphic curvature, then M is Kobayashi hyperbolic.

Extremal & probabilistic combinatorics

I work primarily in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. Most problems of an extremal nature involve a set (_nite) with certain constraints (which are of a combinatorial nature) and one is then interested in how large/how small such a family could be. In classical problems of extremal combinatorics, the extremal families also admit short (low complexity) descriptions.


I work primarily in enumerative combinatorics and linear algebraic graph theory with a strong bias towards q-analogues. I am also interested in the enumerative aspects of posets, graphs and polytopes. In linear algebraic graph theory, I am interested in getting graph theoretic information by applying linear algebraic methods to matrices associated with graphs. In particular, I have been studying properties of various distance matrices and laplacian matrices associated to graphs.

Computational complexity and pseudorandomness

The goal of a Theoretical Computer Scientist is to understand the power of computation: can computers perform the tasks one is interested in? Can they do so efficiently, with constraints on resources such as time, space, non-determinism, parallelism, randomness, etc.? The "right" constraint might depend on the application at hand: algorithmists often want linear-time algorithms for their problems; logicians are sometimes satis_ed to prove that their algorithms halt in _nite time; complexity theorists of different flavours look at various notions of efficiency.

Dynamics and diophantine approximation & exponentiality and root problems in groups

I have made major contributions to the study of the dynamical behavior of flows on homogeneous spaces of Lie groups and applications of the theory to problems in Diophantine approximation. One of the problems concerns the set of values of quadratic forms, evaluated at points with integer coordinates. Conditions for the set to be dense, and estimates for the number of solutions with values in prescribed intervals, have now been understood, through the work of various authors including myself, in the case when the number of variables is at least 3.

Enumerating nodal plane curves in P3

In a current project with Ritwik Mukherjee and Martijn Kool, we attempt to prove a variant of the Gottsche conjecture by looking at the number of δ-nodal degree d planar curves in P 3 intersecting the right number of generic lines. We wish to show that for d ≥ δ this number is given by a universal polynomial of some determined degree involving d. We attempt to do this by performing a relative version over the Grassmannian Gr(3, 4) ∼ = P 3∗ of the computations of Kool-Thomas-Shende in their proof of the Gottsche conjecture.

Hopf monoids in species

Joyal’s species constitute a good framework for the study of algebraic structures associated to com-binatorial objects. In joint work with Marcelo Aguiar, we studied the category of species focusing particularly on the Hopf monoids therein. The notion of a Hopf monoid in species parallels that of a Hopf algebra and reflects the manner in which combinatorial structures compose and decompose. We constructed examples from combinatorial and geometric data inspired by ideas of Rota and Tits’ theory of Coxeter complexes.

Homotopy theory in the category of graphs

My research interests lie in stable homotopy theory and topological combinatorics. Computing good lower bounds for chromatic number of graphs is an important problem in combinatorics. Kozlov, Bab-son, Dochtermann and several others have proved results in this context which hinge on understanding the connectivity of certain simplicial complexes called Hom complexes. Several motions from homotopy theory of topological spaces like homotopy equivalances, etc.  have analogues in the category of graphs.