A novel IIT Bombay “paddle-wheels” sensor to detect heavy metals in water
The low-cost sensor made of a copper-based metal-organic framework performs as well as DNA based sensor, the gold standard for water quality sensors.
Study suggests strategies to extract truth from unwilling senders
Offering limited options to choose from for a multiple choice setting recovers more accurate and truthful information than presenting the complete range of options, reveals IIT Bombay study.
Coastal Vegetation to mitigate Tsunami and Coastal Flood Impacts
A sustainable and resilient method to reduce wave forces and debris impact during extreme tsunami and coastal flood events
Cobalt-based catalysts and more: reducing carbon emissions in steel industry
Combining hydrogen-based processes with advanced catalysts and renewable energy paves the way for developing economically and industrially viable solutions to decarbonise the steel industry
IIT Bombay researchers use new technique to measure rate of degradation of coatings on iron
Combining two electrochemical techniques, hydrogen permeation-based potentiometry (HPP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), the researchers efficiently measured the coating degradation rates on the industrially relevant metal.
Natural Disasters and Climate Change Have a Long-Term Impact on State Finances
Researchers use a Disaster Intensity Index (DII) to assess disaster impacts on state budgets, offering a roadmap for better disaster preparedness and economic protection.
Amartya Mukhopadhyay: Pioneering Sodium-Ion Battery Technology for a Sustainable Future
Prof. Amartya Mukhopadhyay won the Tata Transformation Prize 2024 in December for his work.
Bacterial cocktail for farm soil to clean up pollutants and pesticides and enhance crop yield
IIT Bombay researchers have identified bacteria that can consume toxic pollutants in the soil and produce helpful nutrients as a byproduct.
Needle-Free Shock Syringes for painless medical treatments
Researchers at IIT Bombay develop a shockwave-based needle-free syringe that ensures painless and safe drug delivery with lesser damage to skin and lower risk of infection
New Open-source App can track climate change through lake water temperatures
New Open-source App can track climate change through lake water temperatures
IIT Bombay team develops affordable, portable water-pollutant detecting device: AroTrack.
The device uses a protein based biosensor to detect harmful pollutants like phenol and benzene from water samples
Choosing wall materials for cooler homes using computational methods
Eco-efficient wall materials, such as aerated autoclaved concrete blocks, enhance indoor comfort by significantly reducing temperatures in naturally ventilated houses.
Green roofs can effectively reduce floods in dense urban areas, finds study
Planting small trees on roofs of buildings in dense urban areas can reduce flood volume and runoff
Microfluidics Device to Measure Stiffness of Blood Cells
IIT Bombay’s microfluidic device that rapidly measures stiffness of human cells can help investigate relation between stiffness and disease condition
Accurate estimation of manufacturing variations can improve circuit performance
New experimentally validated model accounts for manufacturing process variations while designing ultra-dense electronic circuits.
Towards safer roads
Researchers recognise risky driving situations by identifying important factors leading to road crashes.
IIT Bombay researchers propose a novel piezoelectric material
Researchers probe properties of the new material, say better for micro- and nanodevices.
Improved Model for High-sensitivity Gallium Nitride Biosensors
Researchers propose a biosensor model that captures the effect of the fluid-sensor interface charge.
How fast you cool molten iron determines its properties
A new cooling model gave better predictions of the strength and ductility of cast iron