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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

Development of domestic defluoridation unit

The presence of fluoride in groundwater is an environmental concern in more than 20 developed and developing countries, including India. More than 17 states in India have reported cases of fluorosis (the most common health problem due to fluoride), and roughly 66 million people are at risk due to the ingestion of high fluoride containing water. This highlights the seriousness of this problem, and the need for an economical and accessible treatment technology. Use of natural materials such as bone char for defluoridation is one of the most studied

Development of composting system for household wet waste processing

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a major challenge worldwide especially in developing nations like India. Wet biodegradable waste contributes around 40-50% of total MSW generated in India. Composting is considered one of the most feasible options for the biodegradable fraction of MSW due to its operation in aerobic conditions, lesser possibility of odorous emissions and stable end-product which can be used as soil conditioner. However, the long composting period and product quality have been the major concerns.

Treating the water with light and sound

The modern lifestyle has resulted in the occurrences of a huge number of toxic compounds in various environmental matrices, including water. These include pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs), pesticides, dyes, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and many more. One common issue with the treatment of these compounds (called as emerging contaminants) is that the conventional treatment technologies are inefficient in their removal from water and wastewater.

Efficient and selective separation of oil from oil spill

Crude oil often referred to as ‘black gold’, when refined finds applications as wide variety of useful products such as gasoline, diesel and other various petrochemicals. However, spillage of this natural product into the environment by vehicles, vessel or pipelines due to human negligence, equipment breakdown, natural disasters etc forms a major cause for pollution of water bodies. As oil spills, it floats on water and prevents sunlight from reaching the marine ecosystem. The environmental damage caused often result in both intermediate and long-term environmental damage.

Bio-geo interface: A confluence of biotechnology and geotechnical engineering

Geotechnical engineering patronises the philosophy that geomaterials are influenced by mechanical effects and basically deals with physical attributes of the material. Further, geomaterials are considered to be biologically inert, though geo-environment has been the host of microorganisms for more than 3 billion years, longer than the known human habitation which is 2 billion years.

Bioreactor landfills: A panacea for management of municipal solid waste

The disposal and management of municipal solid wastes (MSW) generated due to population explosion, affluence, haphazard planning, rapid urbanisation and industrialisation, in the present day scenario, are a major concern. Often, landfilling has been the most opted and popular option for disposing the large volumes of MSW, mainly due to the convenience associated with it. Incidentally, in the recent times, enhancement of the microbial activity is being used as a panacea to degrade the municipal solid waste. In this context, a Bioreactor Landfill (BLF) proves to be a promising solution.

Industrial by-products in sustainable infrastructure development

Rapid industrialisation and growth in population has resulted in establishing industrial units all over the country and consume most of the natural resource, to meet the demand of the present generation. The after effect of these processes, which are the secondary products coming out of the industrial units are considered as waste materials, and are given least consideration by human beings to be used for beneficial application. Most often, these materials are dumped in the backyards of industrial units.

Rheology of soils

Planning developmental activities in locations having clayey (fine-grained) soil has always been a challenge to geotechnical engineers. Rheological approach, capable of small strain measurements, to understand the micro- mechanical process enables in revealing the response of such soils to external stresses. Correlations between soil specific and rheological parameters are being developed which would aid in obtaining quick first-hand information about site conditions.

Hydraulic model studies on pump intakes and flow characteristics

Pump sump has its applications in many fields like thermal power plants, lift irrigation, water supply, etc. and the need for proper design and analysis of pump sump is increasing. For the efficient performance of the pumps, proper design of pump sump is necessary as the flow entering the pump is a key factor. Though there are many guidelines for such a design, an appropriate model study is required since each system is situation specific.

Web GIS based integrated flood assessment model

Extraordinary rainfall intensities during the last few years in India and other countries resulted in urban flooding incidents with both increased frequency and magnitude. In flood affected cities, this could lead to immense loss of life, property and livelihoods of its inhabitants. Coastal urban cities are vulnerable to flooding under combined influence of heavy rainfall and high tides. Hence, there is a need for development of urban flood inundation models which would enable an effective management of floods.

Understanding land-atmosphere interactions during monsoon to improve weather forecast and seasonal prediction

Indian Monsoon provides 80% of the annual rainfall in India and is associated with the northward shift of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ); governed by large scale circulation. It is believed to be dominated and controlled by distant moisture sources from oceans. However, the contributions from large evapo-transpiration flux, being generated from the land surface processes, specifically from the agriculture intensified Ganga basin, is largely overlooked.

GrIDSense: Groundwater, Irrigation and Disease Sensing System

This is an integrated and interoperable service platform or system for remote monitoring and decision support in precision horticulture. The project is a multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary collaborative initiative, lead by IITB, supported by the Information Technology Research Academy (ITRA) of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. The project has unique approach with research, curriculum, outreach and social impact matrices.

Research and engineering interventions include: