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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

Molecular nanomagnets: An alternative to silicon-based technology

In order to sustain the progress in the ever growing digital technology, there is need for new tools and resources that more efficiently store and processes digital information along with better economic spending, lower energy consummation and low environmental impact. However, the miniaturisation of electronic devices using current silicon-based technology is about to reach its maximum limit. In order to overcome this difficulties, scientists have now turned their focus to alternative routes.

Wide area measurement applications in power systems

The technology of wide-area measurements systems (WAMS) aims to make available high-quality, system-wide measurements for enhanced monitoring, control and protection applications in a large power system. A key feature of this technology is the precise time synchronisation of the measurements using global position system (GPS) satellites.This feature also allows for the direct measurement of phase angular differences between phasors at distant locations in a power grid. The advent of WAMS has spurred the development of novel methods to determine the health of a power grid.

Development of low temperature refrigerators: Production of temperatures below -150°C

Low temperature refrigerators or cryocoolers generate temperatures below -150°C. Depending upon the working cycle or operating principles, there are various types of cryocoolers like Joule-Thompson, Stirling, Gifford-McMahon (GM), Pulse Tube, etc. These refrigerators are used to cool electronics, detectors in thermal imaging, gas cooling, cooling of pharma products,

Thermosyphon system for electronics cooling

With growth and advancement in science and technology, electronics and electrical systems continue to be placed in denser packaging and smaller enclosures. All electronic and electrical devices heat up while working. Due to compact packaging, their temperature rises as sufficient heat cannot be dissipated naturally. For high efficiency and reliable performance of electronic equipment, the rising of temperature above room temperature needs to be controlled. High rise in temperature can be detrimental for the working of the devices.

Enhanced heat transfer using deformable thin plates: Flexible fins

The use of fins to improve heat transfer in engineering systems such as heat-sinks, radiators and IC engines is very common. The present work numerically examines improvements or changes in thermal augmentation, which is possible if a deformable, fin-like structure instead of a rigid one is employed. In biology, employing flexible structures to improve heat transfer is common; for example, elephants thermoregulate their bodies by flapping their large ears, and thermal transport enhancement by oscillating cilia.

Latent heat thermal energy storage for medium temperature solar thermal power plant

Thermal energy storage technologies can reduce the dependency on fossil fuel by making the solar radiation a viable option for electricity generation through solar thermal power plant. This can be done either by integrating with the national power grid or installing in the non-interconnected electric networks, such as small villages and localities.We are working on the design, analysis and development of Phase Change Material (PCM) based thermal energy storage system with small scale capacity (~10-100 kWt).

Gas hydrates: Energy source of the future!

Gas hydrates, which are cages of water molecules entrapping hydrocarbons like methane, ethane etc., are solid snow-like substances found in deep seabed. They are billed as the future energy source as they hold more than two-thirds of world’s organic carbon. The extraction of these hydrocarbons (natural gas) poses several technical challenges, which the researchers worldwide are attempting to solve.First challenge is locating and estimating the potential of these gas hydrate bearing deposits in deep seabed (800 to 1500 m depth).

Permeability of hydrate bearing sediments: A coupled fluid flow mechanism

The rapid growth in population, industrialisation, and infrastructure, has led to over dependence on conventional non - renewable resources (viz., coal, petroleum, and natural gas) for fuel and energy generation, which eventually has resulted in fast depletion of these resources. In this context, naturally occurring methane gas hydrates (solid crystals with methane gas trapped inside water molecules) found in offshore and permafrost regions, can turn out to be one of the potential energy sources for overcoming the energy crunch in the near future.

Thermal characterisation of soil mass

The soil mass is subjected to elevated temperature due to construction of several thermo-active structures like tanks storing heated fluids, buried cables and pipelines, air conditioning ducts, rocket launching pad, disposal system of nuclear and thermal power plant wastes, etc. These result in conveyance of thermal energy through it. At times, the soil mass is subjected to temperature variation due to natural phenomena like freezing and thawing, seasonal and climatic variation, volcanic eruption, etc.