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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
A Compact Semiconductor Module

The invention is a synthetic jet actuator designed to enhance the cooling efficiency of semiconductor modules. It uses a compact, single-cavity design with multiple orifices to generate synthetic jets that effectively cool electronic devices, reducing power consumption and overall module size

Societal Impact
  • Energy Efficiency: Reduces power consumption in cooling systems, contributing to lower energy usage. 
  • Cost Savings: Lowers manufacturing and operational costs for semiconductor modules.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Enhanced Cooling Efficiency: Multiple jets from a single cavity improve cooling over a large area by encompassing 
  • Single-Cavity Design: A housing with a single cavity and a diaphragm at one end 
  • Multiple Orifices: Includes central and satellite orifices, or pairs of diametrically opposite orifices, spaced at specific radii to enhance jet formation 
  • Low Power Consumption: Utilizes a single diaphragm and displacer (Axial Displacement - diaphragm displacement to generate synthetic jets) to reduce energy use 
  • Compact and Simple Construction: Easy to integrate into small, modern electronic devices by designing “the compact structure” in such a way to fit closely within semiconductor modules, reducing required axial distance 
  • Economical: Reduced costs associated with complex cooling systems

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

Currently the prototype has been developed and was tested with different configurations and demonstrated significant improvement in cooling efficiency and power reduction. It was successful in decreasing the axial distance between the diaphragm and the surface by 5 times.

Relevant Industries

Consumer Electronics, Computing and Servers, Medical Devices, Automotive Industry

Applications or Domain
  • Electronics Cooling: Improves cooling for components like CPUs in computers, helping prevent overheating and maintain performance. 
  • Consumer Electronics: Extends the life and performance of smartphones, tablets, and wearables by preventing them from overheating. 
  • Medical Equipment: Provides reliable cooling solutions for medical devices, ensuring they operate safely under stringent thermal conditions.