A method for calculating capacitance value and magnetizing inductance value for an induction generator comprising the steps of representing the induction generator as a dynamic state equivalent circuit; obtaining an equation for terminal voltage from the above equivalent circuit for a stationary reference frame by setting co = 0; obtaining a 6th order polynomial from the above terminal voltage Equation in complex variable form V; generating the real part and imaginary part tif the 6th order polynomial by replacing the complex variable s in the 6th order polynomial as jco and substituting the value of Lm as [0 - Lmax value in the unsaturated region] and value of C as [0 - oo]; setting the real and imaginary parts of the above equation to zero and obtaining equations for C and Lm; solving the equations Obtained in the above step simultaneously and obtaining all the solutions for C and Lm; and extracting the capacitance value and corresponding magnetizing inductance (Lmax) value for the saturated region from the solutions obtained for C and Lm obtained in step (f) for smooth sustained voltage build up in an induction generator
Method for calculating capacitance value and magnetizing inductance value for smooth sustained voltage build up in an induction generator
Patent Application No