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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
An Interoperable On-Site Processing and Analysis Platform for WSN

The invention is an interoperable and standard-based wireless sensing system, called SenseTube, consisting of a product and method for automatic environment/weather monitoring to facilitate crop resources management using on-site data processing techniques. The agro-meteorological parameters, determined using the sensor data, are analyzed to assist in the crop water, pest and disease management.

Societal Impact

Better crop management and pest control for large scale farms, increasing productivity

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Interoperability with other sensor systems: the uniform nature of the sensor data allows the system to be compatible with any sensor system 
  • Real time processing of sensor data: the system process the data received from the sensor array and transferred into the SOS database in real-time 
  • Raw observations converted into real values: the data sensor data is converted into decimal values using bitwise operations at the collection spot in real-time 
  • Observations are inserted in the SOS database in real time

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

A fully functional prototype was installed and successfully tested in orange farms in the Amravati region

Relevant Industries

Agriculture industry, remote monitoring systems

Applications or Domain

Agriculture industry, remote monitoring systems