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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Transport Router

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Our patent pending solution - the BELSWIN router leads to a family of 3 products that have the capability to satisfy the needs of the end-to-end networking. The BELSWIN router has been shown to be the fastest in its category, clocking a mere 1 microsecond latency - essential for revenue bearing data-center applications as well as for next generation low-energy needs. From an energy perspective, the technology uses 1/15th the power of its nearest competitor. From a total cost of ownership our technology will reduce both CAPEX and OPEX by at least one-order of magnitude compared to any competitor. This technology has already been adopted by a tier-1 provider - MTNL. Perhaps, this is the first time that a technology from a university is directly finding itself within the realms of a tier-1 provider network. This implies strong business validation and acceptance. Our backward compatible and interoperable solution leads to features that are absolutely essential and the need of the hour for next generation transport.

Patent Application No