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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Visual Storyboard Construction from Scripts and Subtitles

The embodiments herein disclose a system and a method for creating pre-visualization videos for a given script. Further, the proposed system for creation of pre-visualization videos is fully automatic. The proposed system takes a novel script for which pre-visualization videos are to be constructed, as an input. The described system proposes several features based on a novel script and training segments’ textual and visual information to produce storyboard videos consistent with respect to the textual information described in a novel script and consistent across selected video shots. Further, the system makes use of semi-Markov conditional random field (Semi-markov CRF) mechanism to perform simultaneous segmentation and assignment of video shots. Further, inference algorithms and weight learning algorithm are used in the process of creation of pre-visualization videos. Further, the proposed system is capable of generating multiple storyboard videos for a given novel script.