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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Compact Smear Device for Biological Samples

A compact and economical smear device for biological samples that can provide uniform films with a large area containing a monolayer of cells has been presented. The device is easily constructed using parts printed on a 3D printer, along with readily available stepper motors, controllers, and shafts. The platform with the blade holder moves relative to the stationary platform that holds the slides. An exact mathematical expression is provided for the blade speed variation to achieve a uniform film. The device can simultaneously smear multiple slides, with each blade positioned at a different angle, enabling the smearing of both low and high viscosity blood samples at the same time. A simple, automatic rotation mechanism of the blade holder at the end of the smear process allows for easy cleaning of the blades before the next smear.

Societal Impact

The invention has a low-cost and is easy to use. This will make blood testing and other medical diagnostics more affordable and accessible to the public.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Economical, precise and automated blood smear device which eliminates many of the expensive components 
  • Establishes an exact relationship between the blade speed, smearing angle, and the properties of the biological sample to achieve the desired smear thickness 
  • Provides a formula for varying the blade speed to achieve a uniform film 
  • Capable of producing a uniform film with a large monolayer area of cells 
  • Ensures a uniform spring force on the blade holder, maintaining consistent contact between the blade and the glass slide 
  • Incorporates an automatic swivel mechanism for the blade holder for easy cleaning 
  • Enables the simultaneous smearing of two glass slides with different blade angles 
  • Allows for adjustment of the smear blade angle

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The technology has been licensed and commercialized

Relevant Industries

Biomedical industry, Healthcare and diagnostics industry

Applications or Domain

It is a biomedical device which can be used for lab tests of any biological fluids. A common use of this device can be for blood testing and other medical diagnostics.