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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Magnetic system for levitation and breaking of metal pieces

This invention introduces a magnetic system designed to levitate and brake metal pieces, such as rods, using magnets arranged around their path of motion. Unlike traditional methods that rely on physical contact and friction, this system utilizes electromagnetic forces to lift and slow down the metal without touching it. This innovation aims to enhance efficiency and reduce wear in industrial processes like metal rolling. By adjusting the placement and strength of magnets, the system optimizes both lifting and braking forces, enabling smoother handling and faster production rates.

Societal Impact
  • It will reduce frictional energy losses and the corresponding material loss. 
  • Enhances workplace safety by eliminating physical contact during metal piece handling. 
  • Promotes technological advancement in industrial automation and magnetic field control. 
  • Facilitates higher production rates with improved material handling precision. 
  • Contributes to economic efficiency by reducing maintenance costs and downtime.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Strategic Magnet Arrangement and Adjustable Strength: Magnets are strategically positioned around the axis of metal piece motion, utilizing adjustable electromagnets to control braking forces effectively. 
  • Sturdy Structural Mounting for Efficient Force Application: Mounted on robust structures like trusses or channels, ensuring stable and durable application of balanced vertical lift and horizontal stability forces. 
  • Non-contact Operation for Reduced Wear and Longevity: Operates without physical contact, minimizing wear and ensuring prolonged system longevity. 
  • Integrated Adaptive Control System for Precision: Equipped with sensors and responsive controls for precise adjustments to magnetic fields, optimizing operational efficiency. 
  • Versatile Application Capability Across Industries: Handles various sizes and types of ferromagnetic metal pieces, offering operational versatility across multiple industrial sectors. 
  • Enhanced Safety and Reliability with Minimal Downtime: Ensures safe handling without mechanical contact or friction, enhancing operational reliability and minimizing maintenance downtime.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

Present established technology can be used to levitate static magnetic pieces using single electromagnet and ON-OFF control.

Relevant Industries

Transportation, Manufacturing, Aerospace, Medical Devices

Applications or Domain

Industrial Automation, Manufacturing, Metalworking, Materials Handling, Magnetic Systems, Electromagnetic Braking, Levitation Technology