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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Point of Care Detection of Hemoglobin

The invention offers point-of-care detection of hemoglobin, including compositions, assays, kits, and devices. Specifically, it provides a liquid-based composition and assay for hemoglobin detection. Unlike solid-state readers, this assay doesn't require any solid support and utilizes more cost-effective sensors.

Societal Impact
  • Improved Healthcare Access: Enhances access to timely hemoglobin testing, improving healthcare facility. 
  • Environmental Protection: Facilitates early detection of hemoglobin contamination in water sources, safeguarding public health and environmental integrity.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Liquid-Based Paradigm: Introduces a unique liquid assay, departing from conventional solid-phase detection methods for hemoglobin. 
  • Hemoglobin's Pseudoperoxidase Activity: Utilizes a distinct mechanism, enhancing specificity and accuracy in detection. 
  • Versatile Deployment: Adaptable to diverse settings, from wet assays to dry reagent strips 
  • Integrated IoT Functionality: Unites with IoT technology for cloud-based analytics, a standout feature uncommon in hemoglobin detection devices.

  • Liquid-Based Paradigm: Introduces a unique liquid assay, departing from conventional solid-phase detection methods for hemoglobin. 
  • Hemoglobin's Pseudoperoxidase Activity: Utilizes a distinct mechanism, enhancing specificity and accuracy in detection. 
  • Versatile Deployment: Adaptable to diverse settings, from wet assays to dry reagent strips 
  • Integrated IoT Functionality: Unites with IoT technology for cloud-based analytics, a standout feature uncommon in hemoglobin detection devices.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology
  • Current status: Liquid-based assay for hemoglobin detection without solid support, integrating IoT technology for cloud-based analytics. 
  • Output: Rapid and accurate determination of hemoglobin concentration, with sensitivity of 65% and specificity of 93% with detected value of 0.4 gm/dl of hemoglobin. 
  • Advantages: Cost-effective, versatile deployment in wet and dry phase assays, interference-free with substances like uric acid and glucose. 
  • Prototype Features: Utilizes LED and sensor technology (TSL2591 or AS7276), with an integrated electronic reader for easy and efficient testing. 
  • Comparative Edge: Offers stability, affordability, and enhanced accuracy compared to existing products, with features like real-time data tracking and long battery life.
Relevant Industries

Healthcare diagnostics, biotechnology, medical device manufacturing, point of care testing industry.

Applications or Domain
  • Medical Diagnostics: Revolutionizes point-of-care hemoglobin testing, facilitating rapid and cost-effective screening in healthcare facilities. 
  • Biotechnology: Enables hemoglobin detection in research laboratories, aiding in studies related to blood disorders and diseases. 
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Streamlines quality control processes by providing a reliable method for hemoglobin assessment during drug development. 
  • Environmental Monitoring: Supports environmental agencies in assessing water quality by detecting hemoglobin contamination in aquatic ecosystems.