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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

Operating Modes :

  • The Bio-AFM can be operated routinely in the following modes :
    • Contact Mode (Under Dry and Wet Condition).
    • Tapping Mode (Under Dry and Wet Condition).
  • Other advanced modes of operation are as follows :
    • Force Mode (Under Dry and Wet Condition).
    • Force Map (Under Dry and Wet Condition).
    • Conductive AFM (Dry Condition)
    • Piezo-response Force Microscopy (Dry Condition).
    • Lateral Force Microscopy (Dry Condition).
  • Note:
    • In Force Mode "Dwell" can be used.
    • In PFM High voltage can be used up to 230V.
    • The advanced modes of operation are only possible when manpower with specialized training is available.

System Specification :

  • Closed loop sensors on all three axes :
    • X & Y range 90 μm, X & Y sensors <0.5 nm noise, <0.5% non-linearity
    • Z range >15 μm, Z sensor <0.25 nm noise
    • Optional Extended Z Head with range >40 μm
    • DC height noise <50 pm.
  • Lowest Noise Single Molecule or Cellular Force Measurements :
    • Cantilever deflection noise <15 pm (typical 8 pm)
    • Low coherence source Super luminescent diode (SLD) for ripple-free baseline.
    • Cantilever spring constant calibration by the thermal noise and Sader methods or GetReal automated cantilever calibration.
    • Flexible interface allows recording or triggering from any channel during a force curve, including amplitude/phase from AC or Dual ACTM mode; user-supplied input voltages; and photon count rate (with optional Digital Access Module).
    • Force mapping including automated adhesion and elastic modulus analysis.
  • High-Resolution imaging in liquid for soft biological samples.
  • No pre-processing of materials/cells is required for imaging.
  • Ability to combine AFM measurements with images obtained in inverted microscope.
  • Real-time Optical Navigation Top or bottom-view optical images can be used to navigate the tip to any feature on the sample and then scan that area at the nanoscale with the AFM or select specific locations for force curves - easily and seamlessly.
  • Powerful Real-time and Offline Rendering Options Both AFM and optical images can be rendered and viewed together in both real-time and offline. Optical images can be overlaid on AFM data to assist interpretation. Stunning 3D renderings combine AFM topography with the capabilities of light microscopy.
  • All of the following optical techniques are supported :
    • Bright field
    • Phase Contrast
    • Fluorescence
    • Confocal Microscopy
    • TIRF
  • Large Z range (15 μm standard, 40 μm extended Z option) accommodates demanding applications such as cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion measurements.
  • Users can choose between open loop force curves with sensored Z for the ultimate in low noise performance or closed loop Z for the most accurate velocity control.
  • Force Mapping measures force-distance curves at a grid of points with automated fitting of indentation models for estimation of elastic modulus and automated adhesion /rupture force analysis.
  • Analysis software helps by suggesting the most appropriate indentation model among many built-in options, including "Hertz / Sneddon, Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR), DerjaguinMuller-Toporov (DMT), and Oliver-Pharr", or Student may also freely enter their own customized models.

The Bio-AFM facility was installed in January 2014, in the department of "Bio-Science & Bio-Engineering" Central Facility as per RIFC norms. The Facility is open for all IIT Bombay internal users, other institute, National Laboratory and Industry.

The principle of operation of the AFM is very simple - A sharp cantilever tip interacts with the sample surface sensing the local forces between the molecules of the tip and sample surface. This instrument is not a “conventional microscope” that collects and focuses light. The word microscope has been associated with this instrument because it is able to measure microscopic features of the sample. The most characteristic property of the AFM is that the images are acquired by “feeling” the sample surface without using light. In this way, not only the sample topography can be recorded with good resolution, but also the material characteristics and the strength of interaction between the sample surface and the cantilever tip. Due to the fact that no light is involved in acquiring the sample properties, the AFM reaches a resolution far below the diffraction limit offered by the optical microscopy. Its resolution is limited only by the tip radius and the spring constant of the cantilever.



This FAQ deals with the operational aspect of the facility. If you would like to suggest a question, do feel free to drop an Email to 

  • How does AFM work?
    AFM is analogous to a surface profiler, where a sharp tip is dragged over the sample, and the movement of the tip is monitored as a measure of sample topography.

    However, in AFM, the tip is mounted on a reflective cantilever (the cantilever and tip together are known as the probe). The deflection of the tip is measured by laser, reflected off the cantilever onto a split photodiode. This allows vertical and horizontal measurement of the cantilever bending. The vertical deflection data tells us about the interaction between the tip and the sample.

    The cantilever deflection information is fed back into the scanner- the part that moves the probe over the sample. If the tip is bending up because the tip has reached a feature, the scanner moves the whole probe upwards, enough to return the deflection of the cantilever to its original value. Likewise, when a "valley" is encountered, the scanner moves the probe downwards. In this way, the deflection of the cantilever, and hence the tip-sample interaction force is kept constant.

    The amount the scanner had to move to maintain the deflection is equivalent to sample topography, and is recorded by the computer
  • What kind of samples can be analyzed by AFM?
    Well, almost anything that is ADHERE to surface!
    Here is a short list of SOME samples, in no particular order:
    Polymers, Metals, Fibers: Hair, synthetic fibers, nanotubes
    Particles: micro-, nanoparticles, quantum dots
    Molecules bound to a surface: e.g. self-assembled monolayers
    Langmuir-Blodgett films, Lipid bilayers
    Cells: Mammalian, Bacteria, Plant, etc.
    Plant surface: e.g. leaves, fruit, Paper
  • Is there any restriction on sample size?
    Yes, there is restriction on sample size.
    In dry maximum sample size is 20*20*10 in mm (L*W*H*)
    In liquid, we done it on 60-62mm plastic petri dish or you can bring your sample on cover slip.
  • What do I do with these strange files?
    AFMs produce the results in proprietary format data files (.ibw, .ardf). These are usually manipulated with the software that came with our instrument. Get the AFM operator to process and analyses the data properly for you and produce images (e.g. .TIF files) that you can insert in your reports.
  • Is this system is open for External user?
    Yes, you have contact at and conveyer Prof. Shamik Sen at 
  • I need to use the BIO-AFM. Do I need to train as a TA? 
    If your usage is infrequent (less than thrice per month), one of the operators or the existing TA’s can do the imaging for you. If your research project heavily depends on the use of the BIO-AFM facility, it would be better if you trained as a TA. Do remember, training as a TA comes with certain duties, such as, imaging other people’s samples.
  • What does being a TA involve?
    The job of a TA is to help us run the facility smoothly and image other people’s samples. You will have a do a minimum of 3 hours of TA duty per week just like The TAs allotted to other central facility equipment. This is nonnegotiable. If you are a first year PhD student with loads of coursework, we suggest that you come back after a year. You will also be able to book slots during 'off' hours (between 6pm and 9am) to run samples for yourself or your research group. 
  • I think I need to train as a TA. What should I do?
    The first thing you should do is to check with your advisor on whether both of you agree with the time commitment. If you are a non-BSBE student, you need to contact the TA coordinator of your department to see if you could be assigned as a TA in the central facility. If the answer to both question is 'yes', send an email to the convener of the microscope where you want to train. We will take over from there.
  • I booked a slot, but my sample is not ready. What should I do?
    This can happen once in a while, so don't worry. Send an email to and call the operator on his mobile phone as soon as you realize that you cannot make it to your slot. This is a matter of courtesy to ensure that other people can use your slot. If this happens too many times, clearly you are not planning your experiments very well and we will take a strict view of it.
  • 2013 :
    Ghosh, D., Mondal, M., Mohite, G. M., Singh, P. K., Ranjan, P., Anoop, A., Ghosh, S., Jha, N.N., Kumar, A. & Maji, S. K. (2013). "The Parkinson's disease-associated H50Q mutation accelerates α-Synuclein aggregation in vitro." Biochemistry, 52(40), 6925-6927
  • 2014 :
    D Ghosh, S Sahay, P Ranjan, S Salot, GM Mohite, PK Singh, S Dwivedi, E Carvalho, R Banerjee, A Kumar and S.K. Maji (2014) "The newly Discovered Parkinson's Disease Associated Finnish Mutation (A53E) Attenuates α-Synuclein Aggregation and Membrane Binding," Biochemistry, 53(41):6419-21
  • 2015 :
    D Ghosh, PK Singh, S Sahay, NN Jha, RS Jacob, S Sen, A Kumar, R Riek and SK Maji (2015) "Structure based aggregation studies reveal the presence of helix-rich intermediate during α-Synuclein aggregation", Scientific Rep, 5:9228.
  • 2016 :
    Reeba S. J.*, George E*, Singh P. K., Salot S., Anoop A., Jha N. N., Sen S.# and Maji S. K.#, "Cell adhesion on amyloid fibrils lacking integrin recognition motif", J Biol Chem. 2016 Mar 4;291(10):5278-98.
  • Ranjan P, Kumar A. "The Involvement of His50 during Protein DisulfideIsomerase Binding Is Essential for Inhibiting α-Synd Fibril Formation.Biochemistry". 2016 May17; 55(19):2677-80.
  • 2017 :
    L. K. Sthanam, A. Barai A. Rastogi, V. K. Mistari, A. Maria, R. Kauthale, M. Gatne, S. Sen, "Biophysical regulation of mouse embryonic stem cell fate and genomic integrity by feeder derived matrices", Biomaterials, Volume 119, March 2017, Pages 9-22
  • J. Rane, P. Bhaumik, D. Panda, "Curcumin inhibits tau aggregation and disintegrates tau filaments in vitro" Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 2017.
  • A. Yadav and M.S. Tirumkudulu, "Free-standing monolayer films of ordered colloidal particles", Soft Matter, 13, 4520-4525 (2017).!divAbstract
  • Ranjan, P., Ghosh, D., Yarramala, D. S., Das, S., Maji, S. K., & Kumar, A. (2017). "Differential copper binding to alpha-synuclein and its disease-associated mutants affect the aggregation and amyloid formation." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, 1861(2), 365-374.
  • Srinivasan S.*, Ashok V.*, Mohanty S., Das A., Das S., Kumar S., Sen S.#, Purwar R.#, "Blockade of Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibits the contractility and invasion potential of cancer stem like cells", Oncotarget, 2017 (*: contributed equally. #: co-corresponding authors).
  • Dey S. K., Singh R. K., Chattoraj S., Saha S., Das A., Bhattacharyya K., Sengupta K., Sen S., Jana S. S., "Differential role of nonmuscle myosin II isoforms during blebbing of MCF-7 cells.", Mol. Biol. Cell., 2017.  
  • Thakur, M., Kumawat, M. K., & Srivastava, R. (2017). Multifunctional graphene quantum dots for combined photothermal and photodynamic therapy coupled with cancer cell tracking applications. RSC Advances, 7(9), 5251-5261.
  • Dubey R, Minj P, Malik N, Sardesai DM, Kulkarni SH, Acharya JD, Bhavesh NS, Sharma S, Kumar A (2017) Recombinant human islet amyloid polypeptide forms shorter fibrils and mediates βcell apoptosis via generation of oxidative stress. Biochem J. 16:3915-3934
  • Ranjan P, Kumar A (2017) Perturbation in long-range contacts modulates kinetics of amyloid formation in α-Synuclein familial mutants. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 18: 2235-2246
  • Das A., Monteiro M., Barai A., Kumar S., Sen S., "MMP proteolytic activity regulates cancer invasiveness by modulating integrins", Scientific Reports, 2017.
  • Samanta, K.; Ranade, D. S.; Upadhyay, A.; Kulkarni, P. P.; Rao, C. P. A Bimodal, Cationic, and Water-Soluble Calix[4]arene Conjugate: Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Transfection of Red Fluorescent Protein Encoded Plasmid in Cancer Cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 5109–5117.
  • 2018:
  • Surendra Kumar Verma, Akshay Modi, Ashwain Dravid, Jayesh Bellare (2018). Lactobionic acid-functionalized polyethersulfone hollow fiber membranes promote HepG2 attachment and functions. RSC Advances, 8 (51) 29078-29088
  • R Kumar, S Das, GM Mohite, SK Rout, S Halder, NN Jha, S Ray, S Mehra, V Agarwal and SK Maji (2018), Cytotoxic oligomers and fibrils trapped in a gel-like state of α-synuclein assemblies. Angewandte Chemie International Edition
  • Bhattacharya D, Sinha K, Panda D. Mutation of G51 in SepF impairs FtsZ assembly promoting ability of SepF and retards the division of Mycobacterium smegmatis cells. Biochem J. 2018 Aug 14;475(15):2473-2489. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20180281
  • S. Mehra, D Ghosh, R Kumar, M Mondal, LG Gadhe, S Das, A Anoop, NN Jha, RS Jacob, D Chatterjee, S Ray, N Singh, A Kumar, and SK Maji (2018), Glycosaminoglycans have variable effects on α-synuclein aggregation and differentially affect the activities of the resulting amyloid fibrils. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
  • GM Mohite, A Navalkar, R Kumar, S Mehra, S Das, LG Gadhe, D Ghosh, B Alias, V Chandrawanshi, A Ramakrishnan, S Mehra and SK Maji (2018), Familial α-synuclein A53E mutation enhances cell death in response to environmental toxins due to more population of oligomers. Biochemistry
  • S Das, MK Kumawat, S Ranganathan, R Kumar, J Adamcik, P Kadu, R Paadinhaateri, R Srivastava, R Mezzenga and SK Maji (2018), Cell alignment on graphene-amyloid composites. Advanced Materials Interfaces.
  • VENUGOPAL B, MOGHA P, DHAWAN J, & MAJUMDER A. (2018). Cell density overrides the effect of substrate stiffness on human mesenchymal stem cells' morphology and proliferation. Biomaterials Science. 6, 1109-1119.
  • Sthanam L.K., Saxena N., Mistari V., Roy T., Jadhav S., Sen S., Initial priming on soft substrates enhances subsequent topography-induced neuronal differentiation in ESCs but not in MSCs, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2018.
  • Kumar, S., Das, A., Sen, S., Multi-compartment cell-based modeling of confined migration: regulation by cell intrinsic and extrinsic factors, Mol. Biol. Cell, 2018. 15.
  • George E., Barai A., Shirke P., Majumder A., Sen S., "Engineering Interfacial Migration by Collective Tuning of Adhesion Anisotropy and Stiffness", Acta Biomaterialia, 2018.
  • Saxena N., Mogha P., Dash S., Majumder A., Jadhav S.*, Sen S*., "Matrix elasticity regulates mesenchymal stem cell chemotaxis", J. Cell Sci. 2018. (*: co-corresponding authors).
  • Kumar S*., Das A.*, Barai A., Sen S., "MMP secretion rate and inter-invadopodia spacing collectively govern cancer invasiveness", Biophysical Journal, February 2018. (*: Contributed equally).
  • Kapoor A.*, Barai A.*, Thakur B., Das A., Patwardhan S. R., Monteiro M., Gaikwad S., Bukhari A., Mogha P., Majumder A., De A., Ray P.#, Sen S.#, "Soft drug-resistant ovarian cancer cells migrate via two distinct mechanisms utilizing myosin II-based contractility", BBA Molecular Cell Research, February 2018. (*: contributed equally. #: co-corresponding authors).
  • Bhattacharya, D., Sinha, K., and Panda, D. (2018). Mutation of G51 in SepF impairs FtsZ assembly promoting ability of SepF and retards the division of Mycobacterium smegmatis cells. Biochemical Journal, 475(15). 2473-2489. 
  • 2019:
  • Mundhara, N., Majumder, A., and Panda, D. (2019). Methyl-β-cyclodextrin, an actin depolymerizer augments the antiproliferative potential of microtubule-targeting agents. Scientific reports, 9(1), 7638. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-43947-4
  • Dhaked, H. P., Ray, S., Battaje, R. R., Banerjee, A. and Panda, D. (2019). Regulation of Streptococcus pneumoniaeFtsZ assembly by divalent cations: paradoxical effects of Ca2+ on the nucleation and bundling of FtsZ polymers. FEBS J., doi:10.1111/febs.14928
  • Rane, J. S., Kumari, A., and Panda, D. (2019). An acetylation mimicking mutation, K274Q, in tau imparts neurotoxicity by enhancing tau aggregation and inhibiting tubulin polymerization. Biochemical Journal, 476(10), 1401-1417.
  • Rane, J.S., A. Kumari, and D. Panda, An acetylation mimicking mutation, K274Q, in tau imparts neurotoxicity by enhancing tau aggregation and inhibiting tubulin polymerization. Biochem J, 2019. 476(10): p. 1401-1417.
  • Mishra, M., et al., Dynamic Remodeling of the Host Cell Membrane by Virulent Mycobacterial Sulfoglycolipid-1. Sci Rep, 2019. 9(1): p. 12844.
  • Bhat, G.A., et al., Facile Exfoliation of Single-Crystalline Copper Alkylphosphates to SingleLayer Nanosheets and Enhanced Supercapacitance. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2019. 58(47): p. 16844-16849.
  • Mundhara, N., A. Majumder, and D. Panda, Methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, an actin depolymerizer augments the antiproliferative potential of microtubule-targeting agents. Sci Rep, 2019. 9(1): p. 7638.
  • Dhaked, H.P.S., et al., Regulation of Streptococcus pneumoniae FtsZ assembly by divalent cations: paradoxical effects of Ca(2+) on the nucleation and bundling of FtsZ polymers. FEBS J, 2019. 286(18): p. 3629-3646.
  • Das, A., Barai, A., Monteiro, M., Kumar, S., Sen, S., Nuclear softening is essential for proteaseindependent migration, Matrix Biology, 2019, 82:4-19.
  • 2020:
  • Rane, J.S., A. Kumari, and D. Panda, The Acetyl Mimicking Mutation, K274Q in Tau, Enhances the Metal Binding Affinity of Tau and Reduces the Ability of Tau to Protect DNA. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2020. 11(3): p. 291-303.
  • Chavan, S.S. and H.K. Bagla, Alpha track detection study on CR-39 from granitic wastes employing tetraethyl ammonium bromide as chemical etchant. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2020. 325(3): p. 823-830.
  • Siddiquie, R.Y., et al., Anti-Biofouling Properties of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Submicron Topographies on Elastomeric Surfaces. Langmuir, 2020. 36(19): p. 5349-5358.
  • Poojari, R., et al., Antihepatoma activity of multifunctional polymeric nanoparticles via inhibition of microtubules and tyrosine kinases. Nanomedicine (Lond), 2020. 15(4): p. 381- 396
  • Dinda, S.K., S. Polepalli, and C.P. Rao, Binding of Fe(ii)-complex of phenanthroline appended glycoconjugate with DNA, plasmid and an agglutinin protein. New Journal of Chemistry, 2020. 44(27): p. 11727-11738.
  • Adhyapak, P., et al., Dynamical Organization of Compositionally Distinct Inner and Outer Membrane Lipids of Mycobacteria. Biophys J, 2020. 118(6): p. 1279-1291.
  • Sharma, K., et al., Effect of Disease-Associated P123H and V70M Mutations on beta-Synuclein Fibrillation. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2020. 11(18): p. 2836-2848.
  • Bhatia, E. and R. Banerjee, Hybrid silver-gold nanoparticles suppress drug resistant polymicrobial biofilm formation and intracellular infection. J Mater Chem B, 2020. 8(22): p. 4890-4898.
  • Shashank, B.S., et al., Investigations on biosorption and biogenic calcite precipitation in sands. Soil Use and Management, 2020. n/a(n/a).
  • Mishra, M. and S. Kapoor, Modulation of host cell membrane nano-environment by mycobacterial glycolipids: Involvement of PI(4,5)P2 signaling lipid? Faraday Discussions, 2020.
  • Mishra, M., et al., Mycobacterium Lipids Modulate Host Cell Membrane Mechanics, Lipid Diffusivity, and Cytoskeleton in a Virulence-Selective Manner. ACS Infect Dis, 2020. 6(9): p. 2386-2399.
  • Sadgar, A.L., T.S. Deore, and R.V. Jayaram, Pickering Interfacial Catalysis-Knoevenagel Condensation in Magnesium Oxide-Stabilized Pickering Emulsion. Acs Omega, 2020. 5(21): p. 12224-12235.
  • Behera, T., et al., Spatially correlated photoluminescence blinking and flickering of hybridhalide perovskite micro-rods. Journal of Luminescence, 2020. 223: p. 117202.
  • Pratihar, S., et al., Tailored piezoelectric performance of self-polarized PVDF-ZnO composites by optimization of aspect ratio of ZnO nanorods. Polymer Composites, 2020. 41(8): p. 3351- 3363.
  • Dadhich, R., et al., A Virulence-Associated Glycolipid with Distinct Conformational Attributes: Impact on Lateral Organization of Host Plasma Membrane, Autophagy, and Signaling. ACS Chem Biol, 2020. 15(3): p. 740-750.
  • Mehra, S., et al., α-Synuclein aggregation intermediates form fibril polymorphs with distinct prion-like properties. bioRxiv, 2020: p. 2020.05.03.074765.
  • Sushma S.C. , Hemlata K. B., Comparative on alpha Track detection from phosphate fertilizer industrial effluent employing polymeric solid state Nuclear Track Detector. Alochana Chakra Journal, Volume IX, Issue V, May/2020. ISSN No. 2231-3990.
  • Mehra, S., et al., α-Synuclein aggregation intermediates form fibril polymorphs with distinct prion-like properties. bioRxiv, 2020: p. 2020.05.03.074765.
  • Mishra, M., et al., Mycobacterium Lipids Modulate Host Cell Membrane Mechanics, Lipid Diffusivity, and Cytoskeleton in a Virulence-Selective Manner. ACS Infectious Diseases, 2020. 6(9): p. 2386-2399.
  • Sharma, K., et al., Effect of Disease-Associated P123H and V70M Mutations on betaSynuclein Fibrillation. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2020. 11(18): p. 2836-2848.
  • Shashank, B.S., et al., Investigations on biosorption and biogenic calcite precipitation in sands. Soil Use and Management, 2020. n/a(n/a).
  • Siddiquie, R.Y., et al., Anti-Biofouling Properties of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Submicron Topographies on Elastomeric Surfaces. Langmuir, 2020. 36(19): p. 5349- 5358.
  • Pratihar, S., et al., Tailored piezoelectric performance of self-polarized PVDF-ZnO composites by optimization of aspect ratio of ZnO nanorods. Polymer Composites, 2020. 41(8): p. 3351-3363
  • Sadgar, A.L., T.S. Deore, and R.V. Jayaram, Pickering Interfacial Catalysis— Knoevenagel Condensation in Magnesium Oxide-Stabilized Pickering Emulsion. ACS Omega, 2020. 5(21): p. 12224-12235.
  • Sushma S.C. , Hemlata K. B., Comparative on alpha Track detection from phosphate fertilizer industrial effluent employing polymeric solid state Nuclear Track Detector. Alochana Chakra Journal, Volume IX, Issue V, May/2020. ISSN No. 2231- 3990
  • Dubey, R., et al., Myricetin protects pancreatic β-cells from human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) induced cytotoxicity and restores islet function. (1437-4315 (Electronic)).
  • 2021:
  • Gokula, R.P., et al., Self-Assembly of Nicotinic Acid-Conjugated Selenopeptides into Mesotubes. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2021. 4(2): p. 1912-1919.
  • Kar, N., D. Gupta, and J. Bellare, Ethanol affects fibroblast behavior differentially at low and high doses: A comprehensive, dose-response evaluation. Toxicology Reports, 2021. 8: p. 1054-1066.
  • Jahan et al., Glycocalyx disruption enhances motility, proliferation and collagen synthesis in diabetic fibroblasts, BBA Mol. Cell Res., 1868(4): 118955, 2021
  • Barai et al., Measuring microenvironment-tuned nuclear stiffness of cancer cells with atomic force microscopy, 2(1): 100296, STAR Protoc., 2021
  • Chavan, S.S. and H.K. Bagla, Measurements of alpha radioactivity in thermal power plant effluents employing CR-39 detector based improved alpha track detection method. (1879-1700 (Electronic)).
  • Pradhan, A.A.-O.X., et al., C1 Inhibits Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation and Oligomerization of Tau and Protects Neuroblastoma Cells against Toxic Tau Oligomers. (1948-7193 (Electronic)).
  • Saha, P., et al., Ligand Induced Cu(II) Transport Restricts Cancer and Mycobacterial Growth: Towards a Plug-and-Select Ion Channel Scaffold. (1439-7633 (Electronic)).
  • Singh, D., P. Singh, A. Pradhan, R. Srivastava, and S.K. Sahoo, Reprogramming Cancer Stem-like Cells with Nanoforskolin Enhances the Efficacy of Paclitaxel in Targeting Breast Cancer. ACS Appl Bio Mater, 2021. 4(4): p. 3670-3685.
  • Mukherjee, S. and D. Panda, Contrasting Effects of Ferric and Ferrous Ions on Oligomerization and Droplet Formation of Tau: Implications in Tauopathies and Neurodegeneration. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2021. 12(23): p. 4393-4405.
  • Pradhan, A., S. Mishra, A. Surolia, and D. Panda, C1 Inhibits Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation and Oligomerization of Tau and Protects Neuroblastoma Cells against Toxic Tau Oligomers. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2021. 12(11): p. 1989-2002.
  • Sthanam, LK, Roy T, Patwardhan S, Shukla A, Sharma S, Shinde PV, Kale HT, Shekar PC, Kondabagil K, Sen S*, “MMP modulated differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells on engineered cell derived matrices”, Biomaterials, 2021, 121268.
  • Patwardhan S*, Mahadik P, Shetty O, Sen S*, “ECM stiffness-tuned exosomes drive breast cancer motility through thrombospondin-1”, Biomaterials, 2021, 279: 121185.
  • Barai A, Mukherjee A, Das A, Saxena N, and Sen S*, “actinin-4 drives invasiveness by regulating myosin IIB expression and myosin IIA localization”, J. Cell Sci, 2021: jcs.25858.
  • Asadullah # , Kumar S # *, Saxena N, Sarkar M, Barai A, Sen S*, “Combined heterogeneity in cell size and deformability promotes cancer invasiveness”, J. Cell Sci., 2021, jcs.250225
  • Jahan I, Pandya J, Munshi R, Sen S*, “Glycocalyx disruption enhances motility, proliferation and collagen synthesis in diabetic fibroblasts”, BBA Mol. Cell Res., 2021, 1868(4):118955.
  • Shirke et al., “Viscotaxis”- Directed Migration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Response to Loss Modulus Gradient”, 2021, Acta Biomaterialia, 135, pp 356-367.
  • Mundhara, N., et al., “Hyperthermia induced disruption of mechanical balance leads to G1 arrest and senescence in cells”, 2021 Biochemical Journal, 478, pp 179– 196.
  • 2022:
  • Venkatramani, A., S. Mukherjee, A. Kumari, and D. Panda, Shikonin impedes phase separation and aggregation of tau and protects SH-SY5Y cells from the toxic effects of tau oligomers. Int J Biol Macromol, 2022. 204: p. 19-33.
  • Mishra, M. and S. Kapoor, Chapter 5 - Multifaceted roles of mycobacterium cell envelope glycolipids during host cell membrane interactions, in Biology of Mycobacterial Lipids, Z. Fatima and S. Canaan, Editors. 2022, Academic Press. p. 105-131.
  • Chowdhury, M., M. Madhusudanan, and J. Sarkar. Conflicting role of plasticization in nanorheology of out-of-equilibrium thin polystyrene films.
  • Adhyapak, P., et al., Lipid Clustering in Mycobacterial Cell Envelope Layers Governs Spatially Resolved Solvation Dynamics. Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 2022. 17(11): p. e202200146.
  • Madhusudanan, M., et al., Tuning the Plasticization to Decouple the Effect of Molecular Recoiling Stress from Modulus and Viscosity in Dewetting Thin Polystyrene Films. Macromolecules, 2023. 56(4): p. 1402-1409.
  • Menon, A.P., et al., Mutually Exclusive Interactions of Rifabutin with Spatially Distinct Mycobacterial Cell Envelope Membrane Layers Offer Insights into Membrane-Centric Therapy of Infectious Diseases. ACS Bio & Med Chem Au, 2022. 2(4): p. 395-408.
  • Mogha, P., S. Iyer, and A. Majumder, Extracellular matrix protein gelatin provides higher expansion, reduces size heterogeneity, and maintains cell stiffness in a long-term culture of mesenchymal stem cells. (1532-3072 (Electronic)).
  • Singh, B., et al., Fabrication and cytotoxicity evaluation of polyethyleneimine conjugated fluorescent MXene nanosheets as cancer theranostics agent. Polymer Bulletin, 2022.
  • Singh, B., et al., Preclinical safety assessment of red emissive gold nanocluster conjugated crumpled MXene nanosheets: a dynamic duo for image-guided photothermal therapy. Nanoscale, 2023. 15(6): p. 2932-2947.
  • Singh, B., et al., Synthesis and degradation mechanism of renally excretable gold core–shell nanoparticles for combined photothermal and photodynamic therapy. Nanoscale, 2023. 15(3): p. 1273-1288.
  • Rajwar, A., et al., Geometry of a DNA Nanostructure Influences Its Endocytosis: Cellular Study on 2D, 3D, and in Vivo Systems. ACS Nano, 2022. 16(7): p. 10496-10508.
  • Sthanam, L.K., et al., MMP modulated differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells on engineered cell derived matrices. (1878-5905 (Electronic)).
  • Maity, S., A. Sasmal, and S. Sen, Barium titanate based paraelectric material incorporated Poly(vinylidene fluoride) for biomechanical energy harvesting and self-powered mechanosensing. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2023. 153: p. 107128.
  • Pradeep, D., et al., An Assessment of the Piezoelectric Coefficient and the Therapeutic Potential of Ionic Liquid (Il) Dissolved Hard Keratin from Goat Horn Discards. RASAYAN Journal of Chemistry, 2022. 15(04): p. 2914-2921.

Conference/Workshop/Symposium Presentation :

  • Pankaj Mogha*.Balu Venugopal, Jyotsna Dhawan and Majumder. A., "Inter-cellular Force Interaction Overrides cellular response to substrate stiffness in human mesenchymal stem cell". Mechanical Forces in Cell Biology: Information at the Cell and Tissue scale, NCBS, Bangalore, India 2016
  • Majumder. A*, "Cell Mechanics and Cell Material Interaction". 9th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Meeting, Organized by Humboldt Foundation Germany, DST India and IIT Kanpur, Jaipur, India 2017
  • Majumder A., "Understanding Mechano-sensing and the Role of Mechano-Signals in Determining Stem Cell Fate", DBT-Welcome Trust Annual Meeting, Hyderabad, 2017.
  • Kureel, S., Mogha, P., Kumar, V., Khadpekar, A., Majumder, A., "Role of substrate rigidity in maintenance of human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) in long term culture." EMBO Symposia, Mechanical Forces in Biology, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany 2017.
  • Shetty, S., A.M. Shanmugharaj, and S. Anandhan, Physico-chemical and piezoelectric characterization of electroactive nanofabrics based on functionalized graphene/talc nanolayers/PVDF for energy harvesting. Journal of Polymer Research, 2021. 28(11): p. 419.
  • APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, USA - Role of growing nanoparticle architecture on dewetting of polystyrene thin films (Conference)
    Chowdhury, M., Sarkar, J., Ali, F., Madhusudanan, M., Dutta, A. and Chandran, S., 2023. Role of growing nanoparticle architecture on dewetting of polystyrene thin films. Bulletin of the American Physical Society.
  • APS March Meeting 2022, Chicago, USA - Conflicting role of plasticization in Nano-rheology of out-of-equilibrium thin polystyrene films (Conference)
    Chowdhury, M., Madhusudanan, M. and Sarkar, J., 2022. Conflicting role of plasticization in nanorheology of out-of-equilibrium thin polystyrene films. In APS March Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. A17-05).
  • SMYIM 2021, IIT Bombay - Scaling growing instability in plasticized polymer thin films (Conference) Madhusudanan, M., Sarkar, J., Chowdhury, M., 2021
  • Savita Kumari, Priyanka Naik, Chhaminder Kaur, Tanushree Roy, Vijay Mistari, Swati Patankar, Shamik Sen, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Debjani Paul, "Fast microfluidic device to measure young's modulus of red blood cells", Dynamics of Capsules, Vesicles and Cells in Flow (DynaCaps 2023), Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Compiègne, France, July 10-13, 2023
  • Dhrubaditya Mitra, Debjani Paul, Savita Kumari, Ninad Mehendale, Shamik Sen, Swati Patankar, Chhaminder Kaur, Priyanka Naik, Vijay Mistari, Tanushree Roy, "Rutherford device to measure deformability of red blood cells", 75th Annual Meeting of the division of Fluid Dynamics, Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana , November 20-22, 2022.
  • Debjani Paul, "Microfluidic devices for blood analysis", Complex Fluids Symposium 22 (CompFlu 2022), IIT Kharagpur Research park, Kolkata, India, December 19-21, 2022, pp. MF-IS-1.
  • Savita Kumari, Ninad Mehendale, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Debjani Paul, “A microfluidic device for measurement of single RBC deformability ”, EMBL Conference, Microfluidics 2022, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, 11-13 July 2022, pp. 64

Instructions for sample preparation/submission Samples must be prepared either on mica, on glass coverslips, or in petri dishes of size 50 mm and bigger.

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USB drives are not allowed for copying data to minimize virus related issues. Instead, data must be copied in a new blank CD.

Only online registration through the IRCC webpage will be accepted. If the appointment is given but the user cannot come, a mail should be immediately sent to to cancel his/her slot.
USB drives are not allowed for copying data to minimize virus related issues. Instead, data must be copied in a new blank CD.