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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Inexpensive and Scalable strategies for refining crude tire pyrolysis oil (CTPO) using a waste eggshell-based novel adsorbent

Annually, around 1.5 million tonnes of waste tires are discarded worldwide, contributing significantly to environmental pollution known as "black pollution." This invention presents a novel and scalable strategy for upgrading crude tire pyrolysis oil (CTPO) using calcined eggshells as an adsorbent. The method effectively removes sulphur and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from CTPO, improving its quality for use as a fuel in furnaces and engines.

Societal Impact

This invention addresses the environmental hazards of waste tires by transforming them into valuable fuel, reducing pollution, and promoting sustainable waste management practices.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Utilization of waste eggshell-based adsorbent, for the selective adsorption of sulphur and PAH from CTPO 
  • Less energy and capital-intensive 
  • Refined oil properties closely match those of furnace fuels, ensuring compatibility with existing fuel standards 
  • Enhanced sulphur removal efficiency compared to other adsorbents No need for recycling the adsorbent, reducing operational complexity 
  • Scalability for small and large-scale polymer-based pyrolysis units

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The technology has been tested at a laboratory scale, demonstrating significant improvements in the quality of CTPO, including better fuel properties and reduced odor.

Relevant Industries

Tire recycling, waste management, fuel production, and industries that use CTPO as a fuel source.

Applications or Domain

Fuel production for gas turbines, steam boilers, marine engines, furnaces, and internal combustion engines.