Breaking the trial-and-error loop in Material Design through Machine Learning
Machine learning predicts elastic behavior of multi-component alloys using information from simple two-component alloys
A health monitor for concrete buildings
A compact probe to find the extent of corrosion in steel reinforcement bars in concrete structures
Efficient 3D modelling of large area landforms
A novel machine learning based method to compress and reconstruct 3D spatial data from remote sensing
Money rewards are less likely to improve mood if you are in pain.
University students who experience physical pain perform worse on tasks and have lower moods than those without pain.
Digital odour detection and synthesis in the offing
Study reveals the correlation of odour to molecular vibrations.
Valleytronics for fast and energy-efficient computing
Researchers propose a quantum materials based valleytronics device structure that can be implemented using existing technology.
A novel bandage for better healing of wounds
Researchers have developed a dermal patch with a blend of natural healing agents and polymers in bilayer structure for improved wound healing
A Portal to Indian Culture
A collaboration between the Ministry of Culture and IIT Bombay, the Indian Culture Portal is a treasure trove of Indian knowledge, art, culture and history, and a digital space like no other.
Infrared light control at nano scale for quantum computation
Researchers find a new way of building voltage controlled quantum circuits using a combination of graphene and alpha molybdenum trioxide.
IIT Bombay builds 5G core towards developing an end-to-end 5G testbed
Multi-institutional 5G test bed project to help develop human resources and 5G infrastructure and create an enabling environment
Advanced drug delivery by wearables and implants: our saviours
A comprehensive survey of the advanced drug delivery solutions
Microwave Radiation to Detect Tiny Plastic Pollutants
Researchers devise a new technique to identify the presence of tiny invisible plastic pollutants using microwave radiation.
Plastic-lined farm ponds exacerbate water scarcity in semi-arid regions
Study of plastic-lined farm ponds in orchard farming and its impact on society
Using diamonds as probes to explore fast-changing weak magnetic fields
Exploiting quantum defects in diamond to image fast-changing weak magnetic fields
IIT Bombay Team wins Algorand Grant for Blockchain Research
IIT Bombay is a part of a multi-institute endeavour MEGA-ACE which has received Algorand grant for strengthening research in blockchain technology
The Lipid Travel Diary
New research identifies specific molecules that mediate transport of lipids inside a cell and to the bloodstream
Coming Soon: A Tabletop Chiral Attosecond Laser
Researchers use a single-double-frequency pair of laser light to generate circularly polarised attosecond pulses from graphene
Harnessing the power of defects to improve metallic alloys
Learning about dislocations and their interactions within an alloy can help precisely engineer its properties
Two new studies from the Indian Institute of Bombay (IIT Bombay), Mumbai, show the importance of defects in the arrangement of atoms in a crystal, called dislocations, in shaping the physical properties of metallic alloys.
Treated refinery wastewater flowing through sand, cleans itself further with pollutant-eating bacteria, finds study
Refinery wastewater flowing through sand produced biofilms of pollutant-eating bacteria which inturn removed the harmful compounds from the water
Robots Mimic Animal Homing: Scientists uncover how animals find their way back home
IIT Bombay researchers use a robot that mimics animal movements to study how homing animals efficiently return home without getting lost or being late.