Variable temperature hall measurement system

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Hall effect measurement system (HMS) provides a full range of hall measurements using van der Pauw or hall probe sample geometries. Options include high resistance and low resistance samples, low mobility samples and variable temperature measurement.
Make and Model
LakeShore, 8404
Available mode for use
- Normal (room temperature) mode
- Low temperature mode
- Measurement of low mobilities down to 0.001 cm2/v.s, much lower than ever possible using traditional DC field hall measurement techniques.
- High resistance option to measure samples with resistance as high as 200GΩ in van der Pauw geometry.
- The 8400 Series HMS combines the best of both DC and AC field Hall measurement methodologies to facilitate the broadest range of research applications. Optional variable temperature modules and measurement platforms extend the utility HMS to meet the specific needs for a large variety of applications.
- Solar cells: OPVs, a: Si, μ-Si, CdTe, CuInGaSe (CIGS)
- Organic electronics: OTFTs, Pentacene, Chalcogenides, OLED
- Transparent conducting oxides: InSnO (ITO), ZnO, GaZnO, InGaZnO (IGZO)
- III-V semiconductors: InP, InSb, InAs, GaN, GaP, GaSb, AIN based devices, high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) and heterojunction bipolar transistors
- II-VI semiconductors: CdS, CdSe, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, HgCdTe
- Elemental semiconductors: Ge, Si on insulator devices (SOI), SiC, doped diamond SiGe based devices: HBTs and FETs
- Dilute magnetic semiconductors: LGaMnAs, MnZnO
- Other conducting materials: Metal oxides, Organic and inorganic conductors
- High temperature superconductors
Facility in-charge
Contact Email
#014, Department of Physics
IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400076 INDIA
Phone Number 022 25764545
Facility Management Member(s)
(w.e.f. )
Prof. S Vitta
Prof. S S Major
Prof. R O Dusane
Prof. R S Srinivasa
Prof. Subhananda Chakrabarti
Prof. K.R. Balasubramaniam
Prof. Subhabrata Dhar