Physical property measurement system

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Physical property measurement system is used for the magnetization measurement of a matter.Magnetic moment/Magnetization/DC susceptibility/AC Susceptibility of a sample can be
measured as a function of temperature and/or magnetic field.
Make and Model
Quantum Design, USA. SQUID VSM & PPMS VSM,
Available mode for use
Two types of measurements possible:
M vs H: Field is varied at a fixed temperature and magnetization is measured
- M vs T: Temperature is varied at a fixed field
- Magnetic field (superconducting magnet) : - 90kOe to + 90kOe
- Temp. range (stable or continuous): 1.8K- 400K
- Resolution : 10 -6 emu
- Sample : bulk/thin film/powder
- Magnetic field (superconducting magnet) : - 70kOe to + 70kOe
- Temp. range (stable or continuous): 1.8K- 400K
- Resolution : 10 -8 emu
- Sample : bulk/thin film/powder
PPMS-VSM Facility :
- Magnetic moment/Magnetization/dc susceptibility of a sample can be measured as a function of temperature or magnetic field.
SQUID VSM Facility :
- Magnetic moment/Magnetization/dc susceptibility/AC Susceptibility of a sample can be measured as a function of temperature and/or magnetic field.
Facility in-charge
Contact Email
Contact no.
Department of Physics,
Room 010 (ground floor),
I.I.T. Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai - 400076
Other contact person(s)
- Mr. Satish Kinikar
Facility Management Member(s)
(w.e.f. 2023-07-13)
Prof. K G Suresh
Prof. A V Mahajan
Prof. Maheswaran S.
Prof. Avradeep Pal
Prof. Ashwin Tulapurkar