High resolution X-ray diffraction system at Physics

This facility enables to obtain information about the lattice structure as well as crystalline quality of a material by measuring the angular distribution of intensity about the maxima.
Make and Model
Smartlab, Rigaku diffractometer
Available mode for use
Bragg -Brentano optics (Conventional divergent beam): Johnson mirror and Ni filter Parallel beam optics: Horizontal and vertical goniometer Soller slits: Horizontal and vertical (medium resolution) 2 & 4 Bounce Ge(220), Ge(400) channel-cut monochromators and analyzers (high resolution)
- High intensity X-ray source (9kW rotating anode source)
- Parallel beam optics. (useful for microstructural characterization)
- High resolution goniometer
- In-plane goniometer (useful for in-plane microstructural studies for the thinfilms)
- Microstructural characterization of epitaxial films
- Phase determination and texture analysis of polycrystalline samples with higher accuracy.
- Reflectivity measurements: layer thickness, composition, roughness of thinfilms
Faculty in-charge
Contact Email
Room No. 016, Ground Floor, Department of Physics IIT Bombay, Powai Mumbai 400076
Contact No: 022 2576 4570
Other Contact Person
- Rajendra K. Saroj