Bio-safety level 2 facility

Booking Link
This facility helps to perform experiments on infectious microorganisms (viruses as well as bacteria) that are classified as Category-2 pathogens by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. It maintains desired level of negative pressure and has multiple layers of HEPA filter based exhaust systems for higher containment.
Make and Model
Klenzaids Contamination Control Pvt. Ltd.
Available mode for use
For Category-2 pathogens only
- Animal cell culture room
- Bacterial culture/Infection room
- Bio-safety cabinets (Type-II A2 and Type-IIB2)
- Incubators to grow mammalian cells as well as bacteria Centrifuges
- -80oC freezer to store pathogenic microorganisms
- Autoclave for bio-hazard disposal
Faculty in-charge
Contact Email
Room No. 201; Biosciences & Bioengineering Department Building. I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076