3D Laser Lithography

3D laser lithography is a femto-second laser based direct patterning technique capable of producing true three dimensional (3D) nanostructures. The minimum feature size for 3D structures reaches below 200 nm, while sub-100 nm resolution has been realized in 2D.
Make and Model
Nanoscribe, Photonic Professional (GT)
Available mode for use
Mesoscale fabrication of 3Dstructures on ITO substrates/Si wafer with the resist IP-S. Nanoscale fabrication of 3D structures on Borosilicate substrate with the resist IPL-780 Nanoscale fabrication of 3D structures on Fused silica with the resist IP-DIP
Lateral feature size : 200nm
Lateral resolution : 500nm
Max. writing volume : 300um X 300um X 300um
Mesoscale 3D printing High resolution 3D printing Real 3D trajectories (Piezo)
Faculty in-charge
Contact Email
Central Instrumentation Room, Ground Floor, Bio-Sciences & Bio-Engineering Department, I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076
Contact No: 022-2576-6746
Other Contact Person
- Saranya Ajesh
Facility Management Members