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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Design and Development of a Gearless Spherical Robot

The development of a gearless spherical robot addresses the limitations of traditional wheeled and legged robots in scenarios involving collisions with the ground or other objects while throwing or manuevering. This innovation introduces a dual-pendulum mechanism that enhances stability, maneuverability, and robustness while eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with gears. The robot's unique design allows it to be throwable, with a protective hull that shields internal components from environmental hazards. Featuring a compact form, precise control, and dynamic stability achieved through an optimized ratio of moments of inertia, the robot supports autonomous, semi-autonomous, and remote-controlled operations. It is designed for diverse applications, including security, planetary exploration, surveillance, environmental monitoring, and search and rescue, ensuring reliable performance in challenging terrains.

Type of IP

Category of Patent

Societal Impact

This technology has potential applications in various fields, including security, planetary exploration, and surveillance, improving efficiency and safety in operations performed in harsh and inaccessible environments.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Gearless Design: Avoids gear-related issues, enhancing performance in rough environments. 
  • Dual-Pendulum Mechanism: Provides stable and precise control, improving maneuverability and reducing the risk of mechanical failure. 
  • Throwable – Has a protective polycarbonate hull which can withstand impacts 
  • Compact and Miniaturized: The design allows for a smaller robot size without compromising functionality. 
  • Robust Construction: The spherical hull protects internal components from environmental factors like dust, chemicals, and water. 
  • Versatile Operation Modes: Supports autonomous, semi-autonomous, and remote-controlled operations. 
  • Dynamic Stability: Enhanced by the special shape of the pendulums, increasing the ratio of moments of inertia.

  • The proposed gearless spherical robot features a dual-pendulum mechanism that enhances stability and maneuverability, eliminating the need for gears that can fail in harsh environments. 
  • This robot is throwable so it withstands impacts even if it falls from a height or is thrown through obstructions. The compact design with the polycarbonate hull houses all electronics within a protective hull. 
  • The unique shape of the pendulums increases the ratio of moments of inertia, allowing for precise control and dynamic stability.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

Achievement of functionality and all major elements of end use with remote controlled operation; GUI development

Relevant Industries

Robotics, Security and Surveillance, Space Exploration, Environmental Monitoring

Applications or Domain
  • Security and Surveillance: Room intervention problems where the robot can be thrown, or rolled.. 
  • Space Exploration: Maneuvering on planetary surfaces with difficult environment conditions, where the robot provides a protective shield. 
  • Environmental Monitoring: Data collection in remote and difficult-to-reach areas.