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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Method and Apparatus for Dynamic-Wide-Field Magnetometry using Nitrogen-Vacancy Defects in Diamond

This invention presents a device for visualizing dynamic magnetic fields using diamonds with special defects called nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. The device includes a diamond with NV centers, a laser to make these centers glow, and a microwave system to interact with them. It also has a microscope to capture high-speed, wide-area images and a detector to create detailed maps of magnetic fields. The device can operate in two modes: one that measures magnetic fields at a single point and another that measures across a larger area. This allows for dynamic and detailed imaging of magnetic fields.

Societal Impact

Dynamic widefield imaging can be useful for probing physics of thin 2D materials and time-dependent magnetic fields in biological tissue like neurons and iron nanoparticles loaded biological cells. It is also useful in detecting faults in semiconductor chips, and analysing effects of different oxide layers in MOSFETs. Micron sized magnetic particles can be sensed by this as well. Hence, this invention can help detect magnetic fields of any thin materials in a highly sensitive and non-invasive manner. 

It can also be used to detect micron-sized magnetic particles due to highly sensitive AC susceptibility measurement capabilities.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology

The optical radiation detector operates in two modes: Single Photodiode Diamond NV Magnetometry (SP) Mode and Wide Field Per Pixel Lock-In Diamond NV Magnetometry (WM) Mode. The SP mode uses a single photodiode for bulk single-point magnetometry, while the WM mode employs a 2D array of optical detectors to perform high-speed, wide-field imaging. 

The imaging method leverages lock-in technology to enhance signal detection. In WM mode, a 2D array of optical detectors performs frequency-locked light detection, allowing for high-speed magnetic field imaging. By synchronizing applied microwave frequencies with internal frames of a lock-in camera, the system captures in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) values for each pixel. These values are averaged over multiple cycles to produce a pair of 2D images representing the magnetic field information. This approach significantly improves the signal-to-noise ratio, enabling the detection of weak magnetic fields with high sensitivity.

The apparatus for magnetic field imaging utilizing nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect centers in diamonds is designed to achieve high sensitivity and resolution. 

The capabilities of the widefield NV based magnetometers have been extended to image widefield 2D magnetic fields varying on a few milliseconds timescale, which would allow measurements of time-dependent 2D magnetic field microscopy. This is achieved by using lock-in technology to enhance signal detection.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The apparatus exhibits high sensitivity, achieving mean magnetic field sensitivities of 22.18 μT/√Hz per pixel in Wide Mode (WM) and 11.6 nT/√Hz in Super-Precision Mode (SP). Additionally, it can perform wide-field magnetometry for time-dependent bulk magnetic fields varying between 1 and 10 Hz, with image acquisition frame rates ranging from 40 to 200 frames per second. 

It also demonstrates the capability to precisely measure micro-scale AC magnetic fields using NV centers in diamond within a widefield configuration to successfully detect the resulting stray fields, corresponding to changes of approximately 1 femto Joule per Tesla in magnetic moment.

Relevant Industries

Semiconductors, Electronics, Biomedical

Applications or Domain

Dynamic widefield imaging can be useful for probing physics of thin 2D materials and time-dependent magnetic fields in biological tissue like neurons and iron nanoparticles loaded biological cells. It is also useful in detecting faults in semiconductor chips, and analysing effects of different oxide layers in MOSFETs. Micron sized magnetic particles can be sensed by this as well. 

It can also be used to detect micron-sized magnetic particles due to highly sensitive AC susceptibility measurement capabilities.

**This IP is jointly owned**