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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Red Emissive Liposomal Nanopitchers as Theranostics and a process for preparing the same

This invention introduces a new biodegradable nanohybrid called FJNPs, made up of red fluorescent carbon dots (C-dots) and liposomal nanopitchers, designed for deep tissue imaging and targeted cancer therapy. These carbon dots, attached to liposomes, convert near-infrared (NIR) light into heat, leading to cancer cell death and tumor reduction. Additionally, the nanohybrids can be functionalized with folic acid (FA) to enhance targeting of cancer cells. FJNPs and FJNPs-FA improve cellular uptake, generate reactive oxygen species, enable precise tumor detection, and are biocompatible. Using 808 nm light safely, they allow for localized tumor treatment with minimal side effects.

Societal Impact
  • Enhanced Cancer Treatment: Engineering liposomal nanotheranostics offer a non-invasive and localized treatment option for cancer, potentially minimizing damage to healthy tissues. This could improve patient outcomes and quality of life. 
  • Improved Diagnostic Accuracy: The ability of engineering liposomal nanotheranostics to provide precise tumour imaging enhances diagnostic accuracy. This can lead to earlier detection of cancers and better monitoring of treatment progress. 
  • Reduced Healthcare Costs: By offering targeted therapy and efficient treatment modalities, FJNPs have the potential to reduce overall healthcare costs associated with cancer treatment. This includes fewer hospitalizations, shorter recovery times, and potentially lower long-term care needs for patients.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Enhanced Photothermal and ROS Response: The C-dots efficiently convert NIR light into heat, achieving significant photothermal response within five minutes of exposure. This process also generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which aid in cancer cell death through membrane rupture and oxidative stress. 
  • Targeted and High Cellular Uptake due to functionalization with folic acid (FA), enhancing therapeutic efficacy. 
  • Biodegradable and Biocompatible: due to a non-metallic, biodegradable core made from lipids and cholesterol, 
  • Simple and Scalable Synthesis with the one-pot synthesis method simplifies the production of FJNPs, making it cost-effective 
  • Deep Tissue Imaging and Therapeutic Efficacy: facilitate by the red fluorescent emission of C-dots, improving diagnostic capabilities.

Current Status of Technology

In vivo studies of red fluorescent carbon dots liposomal nanopitchers (FJNPs) in mice demonstrate significant tumor reduction (from 250 mm to 18 mm) and high cancer cell death rates (90-97%) under NIR light exposure. The FJNPs show high biocompatibility, with cell viability assays indicating viability rates of about 85-95%.

Relevant Industries

Medical Diagnostics and Treatment, Oncology

Applications or Domain
  • Cancer Therapy: Targeted photothermal therapy for localized tumour ablation and regression. 
  • Enhanced Biomedical Imaging for accurate tumour diagnosis and monitoring. 
  • Efficient Drug Delivery of therapeutic agents with minimized side effects.
  •  Biocompatible Nanomaterials: Development of biocompatible materials for various biomedical applications. 
  • Theranostics: Integration of diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities in a single platform for personalized medicine.
**This IP is jointly owned**