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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Cancer Theranostic Complex, Method for Preparation and Uses Thereof

The patent discloses BSN-liposomes engineered for simultaneous cancer diagnosis and therapy. These nanoscale liposomes integrate a novel fluorescent dye, BSN, enabling precise real-time imaging of cancer cells with high sensitivity and specificity. The technology leverages photothermal therapy, utilizing the same BSN-liposomes to selectively ablate cancerous tissues upon NIR irradiation, offering a minimally invasive treatment modality with potential for reduced side effects and improved patient outcomes.

Societal Impact
  • Improved Cancer Diagnosis through fluorescence imaging contributes to early diagnosis and potentially higher survival rates. 
  • Enhanced Treatment Options: Integration of photothermal therapy offers a non-invasive alternative with reduced side effects compared to traditional methods. 
  • Economic Benefits: Efficiency gains in diagnosis and treatment could reduce healthcare costs associated with cancer care, benefiting healthcare systems and patients alike.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Targeted Treatment: Improved delivery and localized treatment of cancer, minimizing systemic side effects 
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Enables simultaneous imaging and treatment, enhancing precision and effectiveness 
  • Biocompatibility: The theranostic complex shows efficient cellular internalization, stability, and photothermal efficacy.
  •  Versatility: Can be combined with other therapeutic agents like anti-inflammatory drugs, antiallergens, immunosuppressants, and corticosteroids for enhanced treatment efficacy

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology
  • Demonstrated high biocompatibility with >90% cell viability 
  • Effective fluorescence imaging in cancer cell lines, indicating strong potential for real-time diagnosis and therapy 
  • Proven potential for dual-use in real-time cancer detection and photothermal therapy. 
  • Ready for further preclinical and clinical evaluations for breast cancer treatment applications
Relevant Industries

Medical Diagnostics and Treatment, Oncology, Nanomedicine

Applications or Domain

Cancer diagnosis, imaging and targeted therapy, particularly for breast cancer.

**This IP is jointly owned**