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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
A robot system with an upwards-facing camera

The invention involves a teleoperated movable camera encapsulated within a spherical shell, capable of capturing a 360-degree view, including the ceiling, in a single frame. The fisheye camera inside the spherical robot converts raw images into distortion-free front-view images, which can be remotely panned and tilted using a mobile app. A communication module can transmit the perspective image to an external device. A robot control and a view control, associated with the external device , can teleoperate the robot and change the view of the perspective image, respectively. This technology is particularly useful for surveillance, reconnaissance, and inspection in indoor, unexplored environments, providing robust protection for its internal components while ensuring high maneuverability.

Societal Impact

This innovation can significantly enhance surveillance and inspection capabilities, particularly in military and security applications, providing safer and more efficient methods for data collection and monitoring.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • 360-Degree View: The fisheye camera captures an entire scene in one frame, eliminating the need for rotating cameras. Spherical Design: 
  • The spherical shell provides protection and allows the robot to reorient itself automatically. 
  • Teleoperation: The robot can be remotely controlled, providing flexibility in navigating various environments. 
  • Virtual Panning/Tilting: Users can pan and tilt the camera view virtually via a mobile app, enhancing the usability without physical movement. 
  • Compact and Maneuverable: The design ensures the robot is easy to maneuver in narrow or cluttered environments.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

Achievement of functionality and all major elements of end use; GUI development

Relevant Industries

Defence, Surveillance and security, Robotics, Home security

Applications or Domain
  • Military Reconnaissance: Enhances the safety and efficiency of gathering intelligence in conflict zones. 
  • Surveillance and Security: Provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities in public and private sectors. 
  • Hazardous Environment Inspection: Useful in industries like mining, oil, and gas where remote inspection of planar areas can prevent human exposure to danger.