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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
An Annular Photobioreactor for Indoor and Outdoor Applications

The traditional methods for cultivating microorganisms often face limitations in terms of light distribution, temperature control, and scalability. This document explores a novel technology ‘the annular photobioreactor’ that addresses these challenges. This innovative reactor boasts a unique design, offering a versatile solution for cultivating a wide range of microorganisms in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Societal Impact
  • By efficiently cultivating algae or bacteria, this technology could contribute to the development of sustainable biofuels, providing a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. 
  • The ability to efficiently grow microorganisms for cleaning up pollutants in water or soil makes this invention valuable for bioremediation efforts, leading to a cleaner environment.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Annular Design of reactor features a transparent outer cylinder and an inner metallic cylinder with an annular space in between for microorganism growth. This design maximizes light exposure and facilitates efficient cooling. 
  • Internal Cooling System to maintain optimal temperature for microorganism growth, particularly in outdoor environments. 
  • Enhanced mixing using air bubbles, ensuring proper nutrient and light distribution throughout the culture. 
  • Precise temperature control for optimal growth conditions. 
  • Simple operation, easy cleaning process and modular design allows for easy scaling of production capacity

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The technology has been lab-tested and validated. It is yet to be commercialized on an industrial scale.

Relevant Industries
  • Biotechnology: For the production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and other bio-based products. 
  • Agriculture: Cultivating algae and other microorganisms for use as biofertilizers and animal feed supplements. 
  • Environmental Management: Wastewater treatment and carbon capture using microorganisms.
Applications or Domain
  • Producing algae for various use cases, such as spirulina for high-protein diets and carbon capture 
  • Production of biofuels and other valuable bioproducts derived from microorganisms. 
  • Research on microorganism growth and behavior. 
  • Development of new strains of microorganisms with desired properties.
**This IP is jointly owned**