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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Rapid and Bulk Synthesis of Tin MonoSulfide and Its Application to Lithium-ion Batteries Anode

This invention introduces a novel anode material, tin monosulfide (SnS), for lithium-ion batteries. The SnS anode offers several advantages over traditional graphite anodes, including faster production, improved safety, higher energy density, and shorter charging times.

Societal Impact

This technology could revolutionize battery technology by enabling safer, faster-charging, and more powerful lithium-ion batteries. Widespread adoption could support the growth of electric vehicles and renewable energy integration.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • High-Yield, Short-Time Synthesis: The process for SnS anode material synthesis has a high yield and can be completed in a short time compared to existing methods. 
  • Higher Energy Density: SnS anodes deliver significantly higher energy density compared to conventional graphite anodes. With a specific capacity around 900mAhg-1, compared to graphite's 300mAhg-1, SnS batteries can store considerably more energy per unit mass. 
  • Enhanced Safety: A critical advantage of SnS anodes is their improved safety profile. Unlike graphite, which can form lithium dendrites that pose fire hazards, SnS does not exhibit this behavior. This makes SnS batteries a safer alternative for various applications

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The SnS-LCO pouch cell has been successfully used to power a mobile phone, showcasing its practical application and reliability. The SnS anode has shown significant safety improvements over commercial graphite anodes, with no fire risk observed after full charge. The synthesis process is capable of producing 25 grams of nano-range material from 1 liter of solution in 1 hour and 20 minutes, indicating potential for large-scale production.

Relevant Industries

Electric Vehicles (EVs), Grid Storage Solutions, Consumer Electronics, Power tools

Applications or Domain

Power source for mobile phones (and potentially other portable electronics)