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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Ultrafast Synthesis of Sulfide Superionic Conductor for lithium-ion battery application

The present invention outlines an ultrafast synthesis route for superionic sulfide solid electrolytes using microwave heating. This method significantly reduces the synthesis time and cost, making it a viable alternative to traditional heating methods for producing lithium silicon phosphorus sulfide (LSiPS) solid electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium batteries.

Societal Impact

This technology promises safer and more efficient batteries, contributing to the advancement of electric vehicles and portable electronics, thereby reducing reliance on fossil fuels and enhancing energy security.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Ultrafast synthesis in just 30 minutes, reducing time by 16-144 times compared to conventional methods. 
  • Cost-effective method as it eliminates the need for expensive vacuum sealing and argon gas purging, simplifying the process. 
  • High-performance electrolyte delivers a high ionic conductivity (2.42 mS/cm) suitable for commercial applications. 
  • High fraction (~89%) of the high-conducting tetragonal phase in the synthesized product. 
  • Simplified process makes the synthesis more accessible for large-scale production.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The technology has been successfully demonstrated with the synthesis of LSiPS solid electrolytes, showcasing significant improvements in synthesis time and ionic conductivity.

Relevant Industries

Battery manufacturing, Electric vehicle manufacturing

Applications or Domain
  • Energy Storage: Enhancement of all-solid-state lithium batteries for electric vehicles (EVs), portable electronic devices, and grid storage. 
  • Advanced Battery Technology: Potential use in next-generation batteries with higher energy densities and improved safety profiles.