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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Spiking Neural Network (SNN) Facilitating Read and Write Operations and a Method Thereof

The invention addresses the challenge of simultaneous read and write operations in Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) that utilize a cross-bar architecture. This architecture typically requires small amplitude biases for reading and large amplitude biases for writing, which complicates concurrent operations. The invention proposes a solution involving a Frequency Division Multiplexer (FDM) and a filter to manage and separate read and write pulses, enabling efficient simultaneous operations.

Societal Impact

This technology can lead to significant advancements in AI, making systems more energy-efficient and capable of real-time learning. It can drive innovations in various fields, from healthcare (e.g., brain-computer interfaces) to autonomous systems (e.g., self-driving cars), ultimately contributing to the development of smarter and more efficient technologies.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • RRAM Cross-Bar Based Synaptic Array: Utilizes Resistive Random-Access Memory for efficient synaptic operations. 
  • Frequency Division Multiplexer (FDM): Separates read and write pulses by frequency. 
  • Filter: Removes write pulse components while retaining read pulse components to drive the post-synaptic neuron. 
  • Pulse Components: Read pulses are high-frequency signals, while write pulses are low-frequency and segmented into fast spike and slower time-keeping portions. 
  • Capacitor Integration: A capacitor in parallel with RRAM to block low-frequency components of the write pulse.

  • Simultaneous Read/Write Operations: Efficiently handles both operations concurrently without interference. Low Power Consumption: Avoids the need for power-hungry clocks. 
  • Biologically Realistic: Supports asynchronous, clock-less operations similar to biological neural networks. 
  • Improved Accuracy: Minimizes read errors by separating and filtering pulse components effectively.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The technology is implemented in a GlobalFoundries 45nm technology. The prototype is demonstrated to show area and power efficiency. The system-level demonstration of the neural network using the LIF neuron is ongoing.

Relevant Industries
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Enhancing SNNs for low-power, brain-like learning and recognition tasks. 
  • Neuromorphic Computing: Developing hardware that mimics the neural structure of the human brain. 
  • Memory Storage Technology: Innovating new methods for efficient data storage and retrieval. 
  • Semiconductor Industry: Manufacturing advanced integrated circuits and components for neuromorphic systems.
Applications or Domain
  • Cognitive Computing: Systems that require real-time learning and adaptation. 
  • Robotics: Enhancing autonomous learning and decision-making capabilities. 
  • Signal Processing: Efficient data processing in neuromorphic systems. 
  • Advanced AI Research: Developing new algorithms and hardware for brain-like computation.