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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Energy Harvest System

This invention introduces an innovative approach to enhancing energy harvested from flywheel energy storage systems (FES). By utilizing a dual armature winding permanent magnet machine and a novel power circuit configuration featuring a buck converter for maintaining constant DC bus voltage, significant improvements of 15-20% in harvested energy have been achieved compared to existing systems. The proposed system addresses limitations of traditional boost converters, offering better efficiency and stability. Through simulation and experimental validation, including MATLAB simulations and a prototype system, the effectiveness of the design is demonstrated. This advancement promises enhanced efficiency and performance in various applications such as transportation and battery-less UPS systems.

Societal Impact
  • Improved energy harvesting technologies contribute to sustainable development goals, promoting cleaner and more efficient energy production. 
  • Enhanced voltage regulation systems ensure stable and reliable power supply, benefiting communities with consistent energy access. 
  • Optimized power generation methods reduce environmental footprint, fostering eco-friendly practices and mitigating climate change impacts. 
  • Advanced simulation techniques facilitate informed decision-making in energy infrastructure development, promoting cost-effective and sustainable solutions. 
  • Prototype testing and validation drive innovation in renewable energy technologies, fostering economic growth and job creation in related industries. 
  • Integration of renewable energy systems promotes energy independence and resilience, enhancing societal preparedness against energy crises.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Dual Armature Winding Machine: Enhances quantum of energy harvested energy harvesting efficiency through independent control and higher voltage output during generation mode, ensuring optimal power extraction from renewable sources. 
  • Buck Converter for DC Bus Voltage Regulation: Reduces input current, improving overall system efficiency and reliability by stabilizing the DC bus voltage effectively. 
  • Detailed Study of Generator Winding Configurations: Optimizes performance by analyzing the impact of winding configurations on system stability and output, ensuring maximum power generation under diverse operating conditions. 
  • Integration of New Power Circuit Configuration: Overcomes limitations of traditional boost converters, ensuring consistent DC bus voltage maintenance for reliable system operation. 
  • Simulation using MATLAB Software: Validates theoretical models and predicts system behavior under varying conditions accurately, facilitating informed design decisions and performance optimization. 
  • Prototype System with 1.0kW Power Rating: Demonstrates practical implementation and scalability of the proposed scheme in real-world applications, showcasing its effectiveness in generating renewable energy efficiently.

Current Status of Technology
  • 1Basic idea generation - DONE 
  • Concept development- DONE 
  • Proof of Concept (Experimental/Simulation)- DONE 
  • Demonstration and/or validation in lab environment- DONE
Relevant Industries

Power Electronics, Renewable Energy, Regenerative braking in Automotive, Aerospace, Batteryless Energy Storage

Applications or Domain

Transportation, Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), Pulse Power Sources, Renewable Energy Systems, Electric Vehicles, Grid Stabilization

**This IP is jointly owned**