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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
System and Method for Characterizing Physical Properties at Microscopic Level and Functional Groups in Geomaterials

ChaMiFuG (Characterization of Microscopic Properties and Functional Groups in heterogeneous Geomaterials) utilizes SMART-FTIR, combining digital portable microscopes and ATR-FTIR for effective low-cost physicochemical analysis. It includes a spectrometer with a base and working platform, a microscope mounted on the base, and a computing device that connects with both. It captures images of geomaterial specimens, obtains IR spectra, and transmits them to the computing device. The device analyzes the data, determines microscopic physical properties, compares IR spectra with references, and identifies functional groups, providing comprehensive and cost-effective geomaterial characterization.

Societal Impact

The setup will assist the scientific community in assessing the contamination induced by the polymers, and organic materials in the environment. Therefore, the research outcomes from using this setup can be useful for environmental toxicity evaluation and remediation.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Robust Analysis: Reduces the need for highly skilled operators for image and spectrum analysis. 
  • Cost-Effective: Lower capital and operational costs compared to traditional µ-FTIR and µ-Raman systems. 
  • Simultaneous Characterization: Provides both microscopic and chemical (functional group) analysis in one system.

Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

It has been tested in the lab environment. Since the technique is meant for laboratory applications, it has reached the maximum TRL.

Relevant Industries

Construction industry, Recycling industry, Landfill operators, cement factories, polymer industries, municipal corporations, instrument manufacturers

Applications or Domain
  • Assessment of microplastic contamination 
  • Evaluation of recycled composites 
  • Study of construction materials 
  • Analysis of soil cracking characteristics 
  • Industrial by-products evaluation