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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Conductive membrane and their Stacking for Enhanced Interfacial Evaporation (SiEVA) for Desalination, Water Recycling, and Near Zero Liquid Discharge Systems
  • This invention used the laser-induced graphene (LIG) based Joule heaters for efficient water evaporation. 
  • It Addresses limitations of solar-driven interfacial evaporation: dependency on sunlight intensity and issues with salt deposition. 
  • It Investigates the impact of voltage on evaporation rates and benefits of stacking Joule heaters. 

    Key findings: 

  • Stacked heaters significantly enhance evaporation rates and reduce spatial footprint and thermal losses. 
  • Achieves up to 5 kg/m²/h evaporation rate at 10V, performs effectively even with seawater and exhibits self-cleaning properties to prevent salt buildup. Proposes a compact, efficient system for both small- and large-scale applications, integrating renewable energy sources.
Societal Impact
  • Enhances Water accessibility: Provides clean water in scarce regions. 
  • Environmental Sustainability: renewable energy for sustainable water treatment. 
  • Cost-effective healthcare: Reduces costs with efficient sterilization.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Container-Based System: A liquid vapor generation system in a container, using an insulator member (foam or polyester sponge) and a wick (folded tissue paper). 
  • Stacked Heaters: Multiple heaters stacked on the wick, made from single or double- sided filters, and powered by an electrical source to control evaporation rate based on liquid weight loss. 
  • Stacked Configuration: Includes various configurations like SLIG (Single Laser- Induced Graphene), LILI (LIG-Insulator-LIG-Insulator) double stacking, LIIL (LIG- Insulator-Insulator-LIG) double stacking, DLIG (Double-sided Laser-Induced Graphene), and LILILI (LIG-Insulator-LIG-Insulator-LIG-Insulator) triple stacking for enhanced performance. 
  • Conductive Filters: Filters coated with conductive materials such as LIG, carbon cloth, or thin-film electrically conductive surfaces, created using specific laser techniques. 
  • Single-Sided Filter Fabrication: Single-sided filters made by lasing one side with a CO2 laser system. 
  • Double-Sided and Metal-Doped Filters: Double-sided filters created by casting a thin PES film and lasing both sides, and metal-doped filters made by incorporating nanoparticles into a polymer solution and lasing.

  • Dual Heating Mechanism: Combines Joule heating and solar energy, enabling effective water evaporation under varying environmental conditions. 
  • Laser-Induced Graphene (LIG): Utilizes LIG for efficient, localized heating, a novel application in water treatment. 
  • Stacked Configuration: Innovative stacked heater design significantly enhances evaporation rates compared to single-layer systems. 
  • Self-Cleaning Property: Exhibits good salt resistance and self-cleaning capabilities, reducing maintenance in high-salinity environments. 
  • Adjustable Heating Power: Allows fine-tuning of Joule heating to compensate for solar intensity variations, ensuring consistent performance.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

Early prototype development is in process

Relevant Industries

Healthcare, Waste water Plant, Desalination Plant, Pollution control

Applications or Domain
  • Healthcare: Provides efficient steam-based sterilization of medical equipment. 
  • Desalination Plants: Enhances seawater desalination efficiency. 
  • Wastewater Treatment: Improves industrial and municipal wastewater management. 
  • Power Generation: Boosts steam generation efficiency in power plants.