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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
An Apparatus for Sensing Data

The invention is an apparatus designed for data sensing, specifically tailored for agricultural applications. It features a signal conditioning circuit equipped with a sensor replacement unit capable of accommodating various sensors, such as Dual Probe Heat Pulse (DPHP), capacitive, resistive, and Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) sensors. This flexibility allows the apparatus to measure diverse data types including soil properties like moisture, temperature, and humidity. A data processing unit receives and processes the measured data to generate output data, while a power supply unit ensures continuous operation. The apparatus supports data display and storage, facilitating efficient agricultural monitoring and analysis.

Societal Impact
  • Promotes sustainable agriculture by enabling precise soil monitoring and efficient resource management. 
  • Reduces costs for farmers, making advanced soil monitoring technology more accessible. 
  • Improves crop yields and food security by providing accurate data for better decision-making.
Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Interchangeable sensors for versatile soil data monitoring. 
  • Integrates signal conditioning and data processing in a single device. 
  • Cost-effective solution compared to separate sensor devices. 
  • Facilitates easy data storage and display of processed information. 
  • Enhances agricultural efficiency by supporting multiple sensor types in one unit.

  • Interchangeable sensors for versatile soil data monitoring. 
  • Integrates signal conditioning and data processing in a single device. 
  • Cost-effective solution compared to separate sensor devices. 
  • Facilitates easy data storage and display of processed information. 
  • Enhances agricultural efficiency by supporting multiple sensor types in one unit.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

The prototype has been developed and tested in the lab environment. Full scale system    has been demonstrated in an operational environment and the system is ready for    commercial deployment.

Relevant Industries

Agriculture, Environmental Monitoring, Soil Research, Irrigation Management.

Applications or Domain
  • Enhances precision farming by providing accurate soil moisture and temperature data. 
  • Supports environmental monitoring projects through versatile and reliable soil measurements. 
  • Aids in irrigation management by offering real-time data to optimize water usage.