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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Blow-up algebra’s, asymptotic primes, local cohomology and ARsequences

The broad area of my research is commutative algebra. I also use some non-commutative algebra which is useful in my work. I work in the following four areas:

• Blow-up algebra’s: I have discovered an intruiging method to study associated graded rings. This involves the study of an infinitely generated module. I have discovered several applications of this method. I have already published four papers using this method. Two more papers are in the pipeline. Asymptotic associate primes: This is a bit technical subject. However this topic has lot of applications in other parts of commutative algebra (for instance in the study of blow-up algebras). Recently I have used techniques in the study of asymptotic primes. It leads us to an interesting conjecture, in thesense that if the conjecture is true then it is a good result, However if our conjecture is false then it is even more interesting.

Prof. T J Puthenpurakal