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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Methods for scaling a spherical robot

This invention presents a scalable spherical robot designed for teleoperation in densely cluttered indoor environments. The robot features a two-pendulum-based gearless steering mechanism, providing precise maneuverability and stability. Customizable in size, with diameters ranging from 100 to 200 mm, the robot is equipped with an impact-resistant polycarbonate shell that protects internal components, including sensors, actuators, and circuitry. Teleoperation via Android devices enables easy control and monitoring. The design incorporates a modular approach, allowing for the integration of various sensors for diverse applications, such as military reconnaissance, civilian surveillance, and hazardous environment inspection. This innovative design ensures adaptability, robustness, and operational efficiency, addressing the challenges of existing robotic solutions.

Societal Impact

The robot can significantly enhance surveillance, inspection in hazardous environments, and reconnaissance missions, reducing human risk and improving operational efficiency.

Salient technical features and Advantages of the Technology
  • Impact-resistant transparent shell: The robot’s polycarbonate hull sustains impacts, making it throwable. 
  • Two-pendulum-based steering mechanism: Ensures precise maneuvering without gears. 
  • Teleoperation via Android devices: Allows easy control and monitoring. 
  • Scalability: Customizable in size to suit different applications. 
  • Protected internal components: Ensures mechatronic components are safe from mechanical damage, moisture, and hazardous gases. 
  • Modular design: Adaptable to include various sensors (e.g., gas sensors, GPS) for specific use cases. 
  • Stability: Design ensures the robot returns to its operational position when disturbed

  • Adjusting just the size of the components to scale up or down the robots is not enough as it gives an inaccurate distribution of the mass required for the motion of the robot. This patent describes the design flow for scaling up or down the robot for these applications. 
  • This invention discloses a non-trivial methodology and takes multiple aspects into consideration instead of scaling all the components by a given factor i.e 2x or 0.5x etc. The robot features a protective, impact-resistant shell, 360-degree surveillance capability, and teleoperation via mobile devices with a two-pendulum-based gearless steering mechanism, offering precise maneuvering and stability. 
  • Its unique design flow considers multiple aspects for scalability, ensuring adaptability and protection of internal components from mechanical damage and environmental hazards.
Technology readiness level


Current Status of Technology

Achievement of functionality and all major elements of end use; GUI development

Relevant Industries

Military and defense, Civil surveillance and security, Hazardous environment inspection, Indoor robotics applications

Applications or Domain
  • Military reconnaissance: Silent, low-profile operations in cluttered environments. 
  • Civilian surveillance: Effective monitoring in indoor settings with household equipment. 
  • Hazardous inspection: Safe examination of dangerous or unexplored indoor areas.