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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Method and device for generating laser beam of variable intensity distribution and variable spot size

Method and device for generating a laser beam of variable intensity distribution and variable spot size. The method comprises passing a laser beam through an aperture  in an aperture plate  fixedly disposed in the transmission path of the laser beam. The aperture is associated with a beam shaper lens aligned with the aperture and adapted to be detachable or displaceable with respect to the aperture. The laser beam emerging from the aperture is passed through a focusing leans  fixedly disposed in the transmission path of the laser beam aligned with the aperture. The laser beam emerging from the focusing lens is passed through a magnifying lens linearly translatably disposed in the transmission path of the laser beam aligned with the focusing lens. The device comprises a laser collimator  mounted on a basal support and an aperture plate  mounted on the basal support spaced apart from the laser collimator and having an aperture aligned with the laser collimator. The aperture is associated with a beam shaper lens  aligned with the aperture and adapted to be detachable or displaceable with respect to the aperture. A focusing lens  is mounted on the basal support spaced apart from the aperture plate and aligned with the aperture. A magnifying lens  is disposed spaced apart from and aligned with the focusing lens and mounted on a linear translator. The translator is linearly translatable with respect to the focusing .


Patent Application No