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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

Biodegradable and Biocompositible packaging material and a method of preparation there of

Biodegradable polymeric flexible films for packaging


The Composition and process for the development of novel biodegradable biopolymeric and composite films for packaging as flexible packaging films are developed. This includes hydrophilic polymer films as well as amphiphilic coated composite films. The properties of the films can be modulated for varying strengths, optical clarity, degradation and added functionalities like antibacterial effects.



Tube Tube Heat Exchanger

The present invention relates to Tube-Tube Heat Exchangers, TT_HE, wherein combination of bends, straight lengths, tube diameter, tube material, thermal bonding enables effective transfer of heat in multi-stream multi-phase heat transfer applications.  Variation of mass flow rate of fluid stream/s at intermediate stages in a single TTHE is possible.

System and method for vehicle-based distribution of water

System and method for vehicle-based distribution of water

the system and method involved in the distribution of taker water optimally to the end-user by ensuring the water quality and financial benefit of all the parties involved in tanker water distribution system.

A method and system for efficient planning of tanker based water distribution in urban areas.


Prof. Ravindra D. Gudi

Department of Chemical Engineering