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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Game Board set - Roll it Green

The central theme of the game revolves around the concept of Carbon Credits.Each player here is a businessman who buys industries for himself, but in turn earns Carbon Emissions too. He has to nullify those earned Carbon Emissions with Carbon Credits, thus making his environment richer and eco friendly. Though the business is all about money, here even the .Green Environment., plays a very vital role. So, in order to win the game, one needs to have handsome money as well as the Greenest Heart.

Details: Hardware used, Number of players, Age group The game is played by 2 -4 players.
1. Die Cash Notes (Rs. 5,000/-, 10,000/-, 20,000/-, 50,000/-, 1,00,000/-) 4 Businessman Tokens 75 Carbon Credits (Green Spheres) and 75 Carbon Emissions (Grey Spheres) 4 Meters Carbon Credit and Carbon Emission holders 10 Government Cards and Risk Cards Ownership Tokens

How to start the game?
All the business man place their business tokens on the board. The banker distributes a fixed sum to each player. Each one rolls a die, whoever rolls it the highest starts the game. The spaces are marked with Industries, Taxes, Government and Risk. He has to compulsorily buy the industry on which he lands. He gets other incentives under government or risk cards. They may be positive or negative incentives.

How it ends?
The person in the special zone with most money and negative or zero carbon balance (Carbon Credits minus Carbon Emission) wins the game. All the other players in the Special Zone, count their Money, Carbon Credits and Emissions and annonce the winner. The game aims to bring a conscious awareness among the youth about Carbon Emissions which are heavily caused because of industries. Also, the fact of earning Carbon Credits and reducing Carbon Emissions is the way to a greener environment, which has to be thought of seriously. The basic terms thus are explained, using game as a medium. The user testing seconded our aim. The children were taught the concepts of Carbon Credits and Carbon Emissions. They liked the role playing part of businessman! They were eager to play and see for themselves as to who wins, or even at times whose meter shows the most number of Carbon Emissions rather than Carbon Credits. Though the game is time consuming, this part needs to be tackled interestingly.