Scanning probe microscope facility - I

Scanning probe microscopy facility allows researchers to observe and manipulate molecular and atomic level features. This technique helps to study a 3D profile of the surface on a nanoscale.
Make and Model
Agilent, Switzerland, Model: 5500
Available mode for use
Atomic force microscopy-contact, non-contact and tapping mode Lateral force microscopy-stiffness, frictional forces Magnetic force microscopy-changes in the phase of the cantilever due to interatomic magnetic force Scanning tunneling microscopy Electrostatic force microscopy-Phase response of the cantilever induced by the interaction of the conducting tip and the electrostatic field of the sample surface Kelvin force microscopy-contact potential difference between tip and sample Time series (with or without Z-stack)
- Highly modular microscope and scanner
- Optional integrated environmental & temperature control
- Easy sample access with top-down scanning
- ZEnvironmental chamber allows imaging in controlled atmospheres. Ports and fittings enable gases, liquids and probes to be introduced to the chamber
- Scanners : Lateral range X-Y imaging area up to 90μm square; Lateral noise X-Y 0.05nmVertical (Z) range ¡ 8μm; Vertical (Z) noise Level ≤ 0.05nm
- Life Science
- Meterial Science
- Polymer Science
- Electrical characterization
- Nanolithography
- Nanografting
- Biotechnology
Faculty in-charge
Contact Email
Nanoindentation Laboratory (at Basement), Department of Metallurgical Engineering & Material Science, I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076
Contact No: 02225764613
Other Contact Person
- Prof. Dipti Gupta