Central surface analytical facility

Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis instrument is used for characterisation of surfaces and interfaces. It can provide great deal of information such as elemental composition, chemical state composition of elements present, spatial distribution of elements and their chemical state, composition as a function of depth, Central Surface Analytical Facility thickness of thin films etc.
Make and Model
Kratos Analytical, AXIS Supra
- High transmission electron energy analyzer
- High flux dual anode X-ray, high flux UVsource and monochromatic X-ray source
- AES/SEM/SAM electron gun
- Low energy charge neutralisation source
- Broad spot sample cleaning source
- ESCA is a surface analytical tool (up to depth ~1nm) :
- Elemental composition of surface and quantification of there relative concentrations with some limitations
- Chemical states of elements
- Relative quantification of chemical state of each element
- Thickness of thin films
- Depth profiling
- Spatial distribution of material
Faculty in-charge
Contact Email
ESCA Lab #040, Dept. of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, MUMBAI 400076
Contact No: 022-2159 6518
Other Contact Person
- Ms. Smita Sahu
- Dr. D.S. Sutar
Facility Management Members
Prof. Subramaniam Chandramouli
Prof. Maniraj Mahalingam
Prof. Amartya Mukhopadhyay
Prof. Manoj Neergat
Prof. Saurabh Vijaykumar Lodha
Prof. T Kundu
Prof. Rohit Srivastava
Prof. Debabrata Maiti
Prof. Rajdip Bandyopadhyaya
Prof. Smrutiranjan Parida
Prof. Dinesh Kabra
Prof. R Murugavel
Prof. Shaibal K. Sarkar
Prof. Sankara Sarma V. Tatiparti
Prof. Ashutosh Gandhi
Prof. Arindam Sarkar