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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
A novel approach to stabilize Fluvastatin drug with improved properties

Drugs of statin family are effective in reducing blood cholesterol level and are therefore widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. The drugs are usually administered in the form of its salt. When administered in the free, salt form, the drugs are delivered in the patient systems over a short period of time immediately after they are ingested. The immediate release would result in concentration levels of the drug reaching a peak in the patient system soon after ingestion, followed by a drop in the concentration levels below therapeutically effective limits. This would necessitate administering the drug in several, separate dosages throughout the day. It is desirable to have delivery systems that release drugs in a controlled manner. Chemical tests showed successful creation of ferrofluids using their patented method with measured magnetization from 12 – 30 emu/cc at room temperatures. Besides electronic devices where nanotechnology is applied in a large scale, ferrofluids have found use in mechanical, military and aerospace in a variety of uses from simple friction-reduction seals to decreasing the electromagnetic signal of an aircraft and spaceship control. This can be applied in medicinal instruments today not only assists doctors in detecting critical cancers, has also taken shape in the form of art that can promote science in schools and museums.A process for preparing a stable delivery system for an anionic statin drug, the process comprising contacting the drug, under stirring in an inert atmosphere, with aqueous solution of at least one divalent metal ion selected from the group consisting of Mg2+,Zn2+,Fe2+, Ca2+,Ni2+,Mn2+ or Co2+ and at least one trivalent metal ion selected from the group consisting of Al3+, Fe3+, Ga3+ or Cr3+ at a pH in the range of 7.5 to 9.5, allowing the metal ions to precipitate to form a layered double hydroxide with the drug intercalated therein, molar ratio of the divalent metal ion to the trivalent metal ion being in the range of 2 to 4.
