Environment and Sustainability
- Daksh: A household-cum-community scale composter
- DetFroSS: Frozen soil shear strength estimator
- Drones for more crop per drop
- Green sewage treatment plant based on integrated wetland technology
- High flux anti-fouling HFM for water treatment application
- Indoor air quality control technology for parking lot
- Legacy / old dump waste management
- Membrane sequential bio-reactor for decolorization of wastewater
- Mobile urban solid waste collector
- Multi-utility vapour compression system
- Non-invasive point-of-care sensors for monitoring physiological parameters from bioanalytes in perspiration and soil nutrition
- NTreat: In-situ nallah treatment
- Odour control equipment
- Photocatalytic membrane reactor for water treatment
- Removing CO2 from atmosphere
- Rotating contacting device
- RoyAl: Pavement subgrade from industrial byproducts
- StabMd: A novel technique to stabilize marine deposits
- Superconducting high-intensity electron accelerator for wastewater treatment
- Tailored hollow fiber nanocomposite membranes for wastewater treatment
- ThermCon-P: Thermal consolidometer with pore-pressure profiling
- Zonal storage water supply system with hydraulic isolation structure (ZS-HIS)