Our group specialises in water and wastewater treatment. We have developed cheap and effective pollutant removal technologies which includes community scale hand-pump attachable arsenic removal filter using indigenous materials to achieve international drinking water standard. This filter is the most economical amongst the available technologies for arsenic removal and more than fifty units are installed and functioning across India. We have also developed Iron removal filter and five such filters which have been installed in India, a cheap method for synthesis of hydroxyapatite for defluoridation.In addition, we are also specialised in treatment of domestic as well as industrial wastewater and have developed the following:
■ Various biological as well as physicochemical processes for treatment of textile wastewater
■ Cost effective techniques for removal of recalcitrant compounds
■ Natural coagulants for water treatment, biological nutrient removal processes, heavy metal removal and aerobic and anaerobic treatment technologies for treatment of sewage.
Prof. S Chaudhari