The Land fill slope stability Model (LSSM) software was developed using Visual Basic,.NET in C# language. LSSM can deal with thefollowing problems:
1. Stability of cover soil for infinite Slope
2. Veneer Slope Stability Analysis (without and with reinforcement)
3. Veneer Slope Stability Analysis for unreinforcedTapered Cover Soil
4. Veneer Slope Stability Analysis for reinforced Tapered Cover Soil
5. Seismic Analysis for Veneer Slope Stability
6. Seismic Analysis for Veneer Slope Stability (With reinforcement)
7. Seepage Force Analysis for Veneer Slope Stability
- Seepage is built up horizontally
- Seepage is built up parallel to the slope
8. Designing of run out length and Anchor trench
- Only run out length
- Run out length with Rectangular anchor trench
- Run out length with V-shaped anchor trenches
9. Application of GCLs as liquid containment liners
- Geometric consideration
- Thickness consideration
Prof. J N Mandal