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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Confy trike: Tricycle for paraplegics
Confy trike: Tricycle for paraplegics

In India, a large number of people are suffering from paraplegia, which is impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities. Their limited mobility ultimately leads to underprivileged livelihood. This hand-tricycle is the result of our efforts towards paraplegic population and provide them with an attractive and self reliant mobility solution. With the support of Ministry of Human Resource Development, we have designed this human-powered mobility vehicle which is light weight, modular and weatherproof. This tricycle offers dual handles for pedalling action to gain higher initial torque and has capability to climb up slopes and move in undulated terrains. Its ergonomic design makes it user friendly in terms of visibility, accessibility, peddling, gear shifting, braking, etc. It has added features like seat-adjustability for reach, comfortable footrest with strapping, luggage box and seat belt. We have consciously worked on the image of the product and made it attractive so that the vehicle is not seen as a symbol of sympathy but as a symbol of confidence.

Detailed features
 ■  Modular and light weight structure

 ■  Ergonomically designed structure 

 ■  Seat adjustability for better reach and comfortable sitting posture

 ■  Ease of transfer from wheelchair, crutches, and low mobility devices

 ■  Better visibility

 ■  Comfortable footrest with strapping and seat belt

 ■  Access of all controls without shifting hands from pedal

 ■  Comfortable for long hours

 ■  Proper mechanical advantage in terms of gears for climbing slopes and gaining higher initial torque

 ■  Ability to shift from peddling to rowing and vice-versa

 ■  Rear wheel braking (locking) when not in use or transfer

 ■  Capable of climbing up slopes and move in undulated terrains

 ■  Front as well as rear wheel braking

 ■  Attractive design

 ■  Providing a new identity for mobility for paraplegics

 ■  Compelling option even for healthy people

 ■  Foot rest, seat belt, leg straps, crutch holders, etc.

 ■  Protection from rain and sun (as there are 3-4 months of heavy rains in Mumbai)

 ■  Easy accessible luggage box

Prof. Nishant Sharma

Research Category