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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

Maximum rated output:                                   3 kW

Rated tube voltage-current:                            20-60 kV; 2-60 mA

Target:                                                             Cu

Focus Size:                                                     0.4 X 12 mm line/point

Radiation enclosure:                                       Full safety shielding with failsafe open/close mechanism

Scanning mode:                                              θ-2θ scan, 2θ scan

Optics:                                                             Incidence

optics:                                                              CBO 

Receiving optics:                                             Automatic variable scattering slit PSA

Detector:                                                         Scintillator NaI, Dtex

  • X-Ray reflectivity measurement
  • In-situ electrochemical measurements (yet to be functional)
  • In-situ high temperature XRD measurement (yet to be functionsl)

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is an instrumental technique to study crystalline materials. An X-ray beam is focused on the planes of the atoms forming the crystal lattice of the material under study. Of the incident beam, a part is transmitted, a part is absorbed, a part is refracted and scattered while the remaining part is diffracted. On diffraction of the x-ray beam from the sample, the distances between the planes of the atoms constituting the sample can be obtained by applying the Bragg's law. Bragg's law is given as nλ=2d sinθ, where n is the order of the diffracted beam, λ is the wavelength of the incident x-ray, d is the distance between adjacent planes of atoms and θ is the angle of incidence of the x-ray. With known values of λ and θ the d-spacings of the atoms in the sample can be calculated. The characteristic set of d-spacings and theirs intensity generated in a typical X-ray scan provides a unique "fingerprint" of the phases present in the sample. On proper interpretation with comparison with standard references available, the sample material can be identified from the respective "fingerprints" obtained.


Please follow the sample preparation methods below, according to the nature of your analysis.

For Powder XRD
Finely grained powders should be submitted. Powder samples having a minimum weight of 0.01g can be analyzed.

For Thin Film XRD and GIXRD
Sample size should be minimum 5mm X 5mm.

For High temperature XRD 
The powder samples should be mixed with a volatile solvent so as to form slurry. The slurry will then be drop casted on the sample holder.

Thin films should be deposited on Si substrates. 

Please follow the sample preparation methods below, according to the nature of your analysis.

  • For powder XRD, the sample quantity should be finely grained.
  • For High temperature XRD analysis, the user should be present during the analysis and the user should bring the necessary requisites to make the slurry out of his powder samples.
  • Measurement data will be given in CD format. Please bring your own CD.
  • Samples and Measurement data should be collected as soon as the analysis gets completed with a maximum of duration of one week.


  • A table with glass cover for sample preparation
  • Few spatulas,tweezers,butter paper
  • Small spirit leveler
  • Inert gas cylinder for High temperature setup
  • Bottles for storing IPA