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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre

INSTUMENT:Mass Spectrometer

MODEL:Maxis Impact (BRUKER)

Sr. No:282001.00081

The Bruker maXis Impact is a Hybrid Quadrupole/ Atmospheric pressure ionisation orthogonal accelerated Time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The maXis impact is bench-top instrument which includes, 

  • Apollo II Electrospray ion source
  • APCI II source.
  • Qudraplole MS/MS Filter
  • Orthogonal pulsed ion extraction and UHR Time of flight Mass analyser.
  • Vacuum system.
  • Sub-ppm mass accuracy and 40,000 FSR full sensitivity resolution.
  • Extreme sensitivity across the entire mass range from very small molecules to intact proteins
  • High speed MS/MS capabilities with full U-HPLC compatibility.
  • Simultaneous analysis of major and trace sample components.
  • Isotopic fidelity for definitive molecular formulae determination.
  • Robust and easy to operate system
  • Certainty in identification in combination with Smart Formula 3DTM - unequivocal formula generation with superb mass accuracy.
  • Better than 0.8 ppm Mass accuracy

Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique that can provide both qualitative (structure) and quantitative (molecular mass or concentration) information on analyte molecules after their conversion to ions. The molecules of interest are first introduced into the ionisation source of the mass spectrometer, where they are first ionised to acquire positive or negative charges. The ions then travel through the mass analyser and arrive at different parts of the detector according to their mass/charge (m/z) ratio. After the ions make contact with the detector, useable signals are generated and recorded by a computer system. The computer displays the signals graphically as a mass spectrum showing the relative abundance of the signals according to their m/z ratio.

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry is a desorption ionization method. Desorption ionization methods can be performed on solid or liquid samples and allows for the sample to be nonvolatile or thermally unstable. This means that ionization of samples such as proteins, peptides, olgiopeptides, and some inorganic molecules can be performed.



  • The sample should be pure and dry and submit in a vial along with the sample code, molecular formula or molecular weight.
  • Mention the suitable solvent (preferably protonated solvent like MeOH, ACN or water.)


  • External Users can come in-person or send your samples along with a letter from the Head / Guide on your College/Institute /Industry Original Letter Head for registration stating that the analysis is for research purpose to qualify for academic concession. The letter should be addressed to The Head, Dept. Of Chemistry, IIT, Bombay.
  • The analytical data / spectra are provided only for research / development purposes. These can not be used as certificates in legal disputes.
  • Service charges are payable at prevailing rates (Please add 12.36% service tax).


    Charges in Rs.
    ( for +ve or –ve ESI mode)
    Academic institutesNational R &D lab`sIndustries / Non Govt. Agencies 
    Charges per sample (LRMS))250*500*1200* 
    Charges per sample for Accurate Mass
    Charges for long experimental sample
    (MS/HRMS/MSMS) per Hr
    + Additional 18% GST


  • Samples, letter and payment should be sent in the same cover only. If Samples are received without covering letter/DD, the samples will be sent back to the user without any further intimation/notice. Separate Sample should be sent for different analysis.
  • Samples are not analysed till Payment is received.
  • Please send the samples in quantity as mentioned. Samples are not recovered, unless a special request is made.
  • Radioactive material should be clearly mentioned and handed over personally.
  • Unstable and explosive compounds are not accepted for analysis.
  • The payment should be made in advance by only Demand Draft (DD) in favour of: " The Registrar, IIT Bombay."
  • The DD along with sample and covering letter should be sent to : 
    The Head, Dept. Of Chemistry, 
    Mass Lab. Room No. 374, 2nd floor. 
    Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay, 
    Powai, Mumbai-400076