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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre


  • Instrument : Four Dimensional X-ray Microscopy
  • Model : Xradia Versa 520
  • Company : Zeiss

System has capability for : 

Unprecedented resolution in non-destructive 3D X-ray imaging

  • True spatial resolution <700 nm Below 70 nm minimum achievable voxel
  • Two-stage magnification that provides Resolution at a Distance (RaaD), delivering large, flexible working distances while maintaining submicron resolution
  • Non-destructive interior tomography uniquely enabled by Scout-and-Zoom

Advanced contrast capabilities for imaging challenging samples

  • Enhanced absorption contrast detectors maximize collection of contrast-forming low energy X-ray photons that are critical to imaging numerous material types
  • Tunable propagation phase contrast to visualize low Z materials and biological samples that tend to have limited absorption contrast
  • Maximum discernibility with dual energy probing of features normally indistinguishable within a single scan

The premier in situ and 4D solution

  • Nondestructive X-ray microscopes uniquely characterize the microstructure of materials in simulated conditions-in situ-as well as the evolution of properties over time (4D)
  • Supporting a wide variety of in situ rigs for submicron imaging of samples up to inches in size within environmental chambers and under varying conditions
  • RaaD enables Xradia Versa to maintain high resolution as the space between the X-ray source and sample grows whereas the resolution of conventional micro-CT architecture degrades when samples are placed within spacious in situ chambers


In addition to well-known advantages offered by the ZEISS Xradia Versa series of X-ray microscopes--highest resolution, best contrast, RaaD (resolution at a distance) and non-destructive submicron X-ray imaging--ZEISS Xradia 520 Versa advances lab-based X-ray imaging with breakthrough techniques and innovations:

Dual Scan Contrast Visualizer (DSCoVer)
DSCoVer provides flexible side-by-side tuning of two distinct tomographies at different imaging conditions or sample conditions. This enables compositional probing for features normally indistinguishable in a single scan, enabling you to seamlessly and easily collect the data required for dual energy analysis. Imaging a sample at two different X-ray spectra, or in two different states, aligning the resulting datasets and then combining them assures you will achieve optimum contrast for the material of interest and allow you to establish repeatable research parameters.

DSCoVer takes advantage of how X-rays interact with matter based on effective atomic number and density. This provides you with a unique capability for distinguishing, for example, mineralogical differences within rocks as well as among difficult-to-discern materials such as silicon and aluminum.

High-Aspect Ratio Tomography (HART)
The innovative High Aspect Ratio Tomography (HART) mode on Xradia 520 Versa provides you with higher throughput imaging for flat samples such as those found with semiconductor packages and boards. HART enables you to space variable projections so that you collect fewer projections along the broad side of a flat sample and more along the thin side. A wealth of 3D data is provided by these closely-spaced long views versus less densely-spaced short views.

You can also tune HART to emphasize higher throughput or better image quality, thereby potentially accelerating image acquisition speed by 2X.

Optional In Situ interface kit
X-ray imaging is uniquely suited to image materials under variable environments with controlled conditions including over time (4D) to non-destructively characterize and quantify the evolution of 3D microstructures. With its unique architecture, the Xradia Versa has emerged as the industry's premier solution supporting the use of the widest variety of in situ rigs, from high pressure flow cells to tension, compression and thermal stages. The optional In Situ Interface Kit delivers stable and robust management of often complex in situ electrical and plumbing facilities and ensures Xradia performance is maintained, along with recipe-based software capability that simplifies operation from within the Xradia Versa user interface. The In Situ Interface Kit is available on all Xradia Versa systems.

Imaging consists of directing X-rays at an object from multiple orientations and measuring the decrease in intensity along a series of linear paths. This decrease is characterized by Beer's Law, which describes intensity reduction as a function of X-ray energy, path length, and material linear attenuation coefficient. A specialized algorithm is then used to reconstruct the distribution of X-ray attenuation in the volume being imaged.

The gray levels in a slice image correspond to X-ray attenuation, which reflects the proportion of X-rays scattered or absorbed as they pass through each voxel. X-ray attenuation is primarily a function of X-ray energy and the density and composition of the material being imaged.



  • Martin J. Blunt, Branko Bijeljic, Hu Dong , Oussama Gharbi, Stefan Iglauer , Peyman Mostaghimi , Adriana Paluszny, Christopher Pentland, Pore-scale imaging and modelling, Advances in Water Resources 51 (2013) 197-216
  • C.L. Evans, E.M. Wightman , X. Yuan, Quantifying mineral grain size distributions for process modelling using X-ray micro-tomography, Minerals Engineering xxx (2015) xxx–xxx
  • M.G. Goff , F.M. Lambers , T.M. Nguyen, J. Sung, C.M. Rimnac , C.J. Hernandez, Fatigue-induced microdamage in cancellous bone occurs distant from resorption cavities and trabecular surfaces Bone 79 (2015) 8-14
  • Enrique Penalver, Antonio Arillo, Ricardo Perez-de la Fuente,Xavier Delclos, Eduardo Barron, David A. Grimaldi, Long-Proboscid Flies as Pollinators of Cretaceous Gymnosperms, Current Biology Report



  • Sample should be stable, that is it should not experience drift, while being imaged, as it may collide with the moving parts.
  • Max sample size permitted is 3cm * 3cm * 3cm.
  • For better results, sample should be much smaller than the maximum sample size.


Users should fill up the FDXM form and provide specific details about the specimen.

Users should fill up the FDXM form and provide specific details about the specimen.