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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Game Board set - Magneteyez

Magnetic Pens................................................ (2 Nos.)
Frame........................................................... (2 Nos.)
Squares......................................................... (4Nos.)
Ball................................ (12 Nos.)

About the game:

Players have to collect maximum points by dropping the balls in the pockets in the shortest time. The game can be played amongst 4 players or with single player. If playing with 4 players the players may divide themselves in two teams, each team consisting of two players.

How to play:
Colour code for pockets:
Black: 15 points
Red: 10 points
Blue: 5 points

Multiplayer mode:
The game can be played among two teams. Each team consists of two players. Each team plays with one board. The players in each team sit opposite to each other with the board placed between them. Opposing teams set the obstacle squares for each other. The orientation of the squares can be adjusted to create the level of difficulty of the obstacles. The boards should be arranged in such a way that the obstacle sides are placed in opposite direction. The player facing the graphics side holds the magnetic pen and moves it along the board while the player sitting opposite to him guides the way. Points can be collected by dropping the balls in the pockets. (Refer. colour code of pockets for points). The player facing the obstacles side should guide his team mate to find out way through the obstacles only using eye movements.

Each team has 6 balls to put in to the pockets. If while moving the ball through the obstacles the ball slips and falls down in to the tray the team has to again start from its starting point. The winner is the team which able to drop all the balls in the pockets first.

Single player mode:
In single player mode the arrangement of the frame remains same as in the multiplayer mode. The player uses the magnetic pen to move the ball through the obstacles and drops the ball in the pockets.

Opposite teams should set obstacles for each other. Players should only use eye movements to guide the ball through the obstacles. Players should not do any kind of hand movements or should not talk with their team mates while the game is in progress.