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Industrial Research And Consultancy Centre
Multi-Station Multi-Axis - Hybrid Layered Manufacturing (MSMA-HLM)

Multi-Station Multi-Axis - Hybrid Layered Manufacturing (MSMA-HLM) is a metal 3D printing machine and it enables different levels of process hybridization and integration of multiple technologies. The various levels of process hybridization may comprise of an optimal use of: different modes of manufacturing like subtractive/additive/transformative; different cladding methods like MIG/TIG/LASER/EB; different kinematics like three-axis/five-axis, series or parallel; different layering strategies like horizontal/conformal. This machine has seven stations, three for depositing material, two for residual stress management, one for machining, and one for image processing. All these stations and other operations are controlled by a Siemens 840D sl controller. The technologies may include of: machining for geometrical accuracy, hammering and induction pre-heating for residual stress management, and optical inspection for crack and surface porosity detection. It can build complex metallic objects which could find applications in automobile, aerospace, medical as well as heavy engineering.

Technical data:
• Working volume: 500mm x 500mm x 600mm
• Material: Any weldable metal in wire form
• Kinematics: Five simultaneous axis motions
• Support mechanism: No need due to five-axis cladding
• Cladding sources: MIG, TIG and LASER
• Preheating source: Induction heating system
• Stress relieving: Pneumatic Peening

Salient Features:
• Hybridization i.e. addition and subtraction of material
• Five-axis kinematics for complex geometry realization
• Fabrication of large and Stress-free metal component
• Online monitoring of surface defects like porosity, spatter and cracks, etc.

• Heterogenous metallic components
• Complex geometry like turbine wheels, impeller. Etc.
• Repairment and refurbishment of metallic parts

Image removed.

Patent Application No